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Q: What is the Durium tipped drill bit made from what is Durium?
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What type of drill bit do you use to drill holes in glass?

You need a diamond tipped drill bit to drill glass or tile.

Can drill cut through glass?

An ordinary HSS drill bit can not cut through glass. A diamond tipped drill bit is necessary for this.

What is the most common type of drill bit used?

The most common type of drill bit is the 'straight shank steel twist drill' . Other less common but still much used bits are the Brad tipped bit for woodworking and the carbide tipped bit for masonry.

What bit do you use to drill bluestone?

A carbide tipped masonry bit would work well.

What kind of drill bit to use on oak wood?

I use a brad tipped drill on oak and other hardwoods.

How to Drill laminated glass?

Use a dimond tipped drill bit or carbide tipped. Place some masking tape on the area to be drilled as this reduces the slipping of the bit as it breaks the surface of the glass. Dont apply to much pressure but allow the drill bit to do the work or youll get tear out on breaking through. A good hand drill will do the job.

Which drill bit do you use for tiles?

You use a carbide tipped drill bit for tiles. If the holes are for faucets or similar size, you use a diamond tipped holesaw. Available in many sizes at Home Depot and many good tool stores.

What is the best drill bit to use when drilling blue stone rock in gold mining?

You need a diamond tipped bit to drill almost any rock.

What colored drill bits drill through cement?

The colour is irrelevant , that just depends on the manufacturer. To cut through concrete you need a 'carbide tipped' drill bit. This tip is a little wider than the drill bit and is quite obvious.

Which bit is specifically used to drill holes in concrete and masonry work?

A 40mm hole saw is more efficient than a drill bit for holes of this size.

What is the chemical composition of a hammer drill bit?

That is a really strange question. It is usually made of carbide tipped steel, but I can't see any difference in knowing the chemical ( Actually metallurgical ) composition.

How do you drill a ceramic tile?

Drilling ceramic tile can be accomplished with a carbide tipped drill bit such as one for masonry or concrete but a better choice is a bit designed to drill glass which is much harder Most home improvement stores carry such bits and they are only a bit more than regular bit sets. A glass bit looks like a spade on the end of a shank while the masonry bit looks like a traditional twist drill.