

What is the Dutch 'Hallo Ik ben Nederlands' in English?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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14y ago

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"Hello, I am Dutch " translates to "Hallo, Ik ben Nederlands" in Dutch

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Q: What is the Dutch 'Hallo Ik ben Nederlands' in English?
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What is 'Hello I'm Dutch' in Dutch?

Hallo ik ben Dutch is the translation. It is translation from English to Dutch language.

Hoew to say How are you in Dutch?

"jij" for your friends etc, "u" for someone who's your teacher or grandma or whatever. "jij" for your friends etc, "u" for someone who's your teacher or grandma or whatever. jij: you u:you ( polite form, singular)

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Are you also Dutch? You can always send something to become friends maybe or to talk if you don't understand English.

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The time it takes to learn Dutch can vary depending on factors such as your dedication, study habits, and exposure to the language. However, knowing English and German can be an advantage as there are similarities between Dutch and these languages, particularly in vocabulary and grammar. With consistent effort, practice, and immersion, you could reach a conversational level in a few months to a year.

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ik ben verdwaald is the word for I am lost. It is the translation from English to Dutch.

How do you speak Dutch?

ask a dutch personIn the Netherlands we speak Dutch. If yo want to learn I suggest you take lessons. But for most people it's a difficult language to master. (See below, same tekst as in English)In Nederland spreken wij Nederlands. Als je het wilt leren raad ik je aan lessen te nemen. Maar voor de meeste mensen is Nederlands een moeilijke taal om goed onder de knie te krijgen.^Actually Dutch is considered one of the easiest languages in the world for English speakers to learn. (Supervisor).

German word for baby?

'Pregnant' is 'zwanger' in Dutch. 'I'm pregnant' is 'ik ben zwanger' in Dutch.

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I'm currently not in the office is an English equivalent of 'Ik ben momenteel niet op kantoor'.

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Ik ben wie ik ben.

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Ben Roethlisberger is of Swiss descent.

Why is ben a Dutch?

because he is a homosexual

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Waar ben je?