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Q: What is the Dutch word that means valley of the swans?
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What is the Dutch word that's definition is valley of the swans?

Vallei van de zwanen , next time use translator or a dictionary

What is 'valley' in Dutch?

The word for valley in dutch is vallei

What is the English word for Dutch word zelfde?

The Dutch worde "(de)zelfde" means "same".

What is the dutch word for day?

Dag is the word from English to Dutch. It means a day in English language.

What does luister mean in Dutch?

"Luister" in Dutch means "listen" in English. It is a common verb used to indicate the action of paying attention to sounds or music.

What did the Dutch call the Boers?

The Dutch word 'boer' means 'farmer' in English.

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What does the dutch word Sterben mean in English?

'sterben' is not a Dutch word, it is a German word and means 'to die'. Dutch (the language from the Netherlands) is often confused with 'Deutsch' (the German word for 'German')

What is the meaning of bonnee in Dutch?

The closest Dutch word would be Abonnee, which means Subscriber.

Does the word Dutch mean dirty German?

No, Dutch is the language they speak in the Netherlands (Holland)'I am Dutch.' means you are from the Netherlands (Holland)

You are my friend in Dutch language?

je bent mijn vriend is the word in Dutch. It means You are my friend.

What Dutch word means sir?

Meneer, heer or mijnheer.