Ah, isn't that a lovely word, "Corinth"? In Dutch, it is translated as "Korinthe." Just imagine all the happy little Dutch-speaking people saying it with a smile on their face. It's a beautiful language, just like a happy little tree in a painting.
What does la vie en rouge mean?
Ah, "la vie en rouge" is a beautiful phrase in French that means "life in red." It's a poetic way of saying living life with passion, energy, and love. Just imagine a canvas filled with vibrant reds, painting your world with warmth and vitality.
What is the total organic matter in an ecosystem?
Total organic matter in an ecosystem can vary greatly depending on the ecosystem type and location. It includes living organisms (plants, animals, microorganisms) as well as decaying organic material like dead plant matter and soil organic matter. The total organic matter is essential for nutrient cycling, energy flow, and ecosystem functioning.
Usually carbon-based substances derived from living things. Examples include everything we grow and eat, wood, dung and the humus content of soil. Organic matter can be added to soil to make it more fertile, eg dung or compost.
'we love you': 'wij houden van jullie'
or, more often used: 'jullie zijn te gek' (you're awesome)
What is the Dutch 'Graag gedaan' in English?
Dank u or Dank je are Dutch equivalents of 'Thank you'. And the Flemish?
How do the people from the Netherlands say Merry Christmas?
Gelukkig kerstfeest is the Dutch equivalent of 'Merry Christmas'. It's very hard to pronounce Dutch words so you should hear someone say it.
Prettig Kerstfeest
Gelukkige Kerstdagen
Vrolijk Kerstfeest
Dutch shoes are called 'Klompen' in Dutch. In English 'Clogs'.
the answer is, well a Dutch is a soft underwear padding and a double Dutch is so soft it makes you feel SO good!
What is the Dutch 'tulp' in English?
"Garden" is an English equivalent of "tuin."
A popular kind of garden in the Netherlands is one that has tulips, the national flower. Such a garden is called "Tulpentuin." The Dutch noun "Tulpen" means "tulips" (Tulipa spp).
the english word " cook " is best translated as " koken " in dutch.
Here are some examples :
i cook : ik kook
can you cook well ? : kan je goed koken ?
The best way to pronounce " kook " or " koken " is propably :
coac / coacen , just like the word coach without the " h "
Good luck !
What is 'Happy Mother's Day' in Dutch?
Zalig Paasfeest is one Dutch equivalent of 'Happy Easter'. Another is 'Gelukkig Paasfeest'. Either way, the wish is the same. And these are just two examples of the many ways to express 'Happy Easter' wishes among Dutch speakers. Most people say 'Fijne Paasdagen' in the Netherlands.
What is the Dutch word for regards?
groeten is the word for regards in Dutch. It is used to say respectfully someone.
New York is in Dutch the same.
New Amsterdam was the name for the future 'New York' within the United States of America.
How do you say have a good day at work in dutch?
Een fijne dag gewenst is a Dutch equivalent of 'Have a good day'.
What does the Dutch word ryst mean?
rijst = rice