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Q: What is the Electorate name for the house of Representatives?
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How many members of the house of representatives are returned by Melbourne?

Melbourne, as an electorate returns 1 MHR each election.

What is the name of position for the house of representatives?

House of Representatives

Who chooses the members of the house?

The members of the house of representatives ore chosen by the citizens of Australia on an electorate basis.( an ellectorate being a given area with a limited population. Ministerial positions and other political appointment's are made by the prime minister who is elected by the representatives representatives

What other name is the House of Representatives called?

Another name for the House of Representatives is the lower house. Another name for the Senate is the upper house.

Name of your representatives to the House of Representatives?

Mike MyIntrye

What is the name of the lower house of the US Congress?

The lower house of Congress is called the House of Representatives. Although, the United States does not really use terms like that.

The only Australian prime minister from a WA electorate?

This was John Curtin, Australia's Prime Minister from 1941-1945, who represented the Federal electorate of Fremantle. He was Australia's only Prime Minister to represent a Western Australian seat in the House of Representatives.

Why does each Australian state and territory have different amounts of members in the house representatives?

Because each electorate must have the same population in it (+/- 10%) so the bigger the state, the more seats it will have in the House.

Is congress another name for house of representatives?

no. congress is a name for both of the houses. senate and the house of Representatives are both called congress. :)

Which Australian prime minister came from the Western Australian electorate?

This was John Curtin, Australia's Prime Minister from 1941-1945, who represented the Federal electorate of Fremantle. He was Australia's only Prime Minister to represent a Western Australian seat in the House of Representatives.

What is the name of the house representatives?

His name is Paul Ryan.