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It makes little sense in Latin: "I advance to fish".

In modern Italian the phrase vado pescare means "I go to fish" (I go fishing).
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Q: What is the English from Latin translation of Vado piscare?
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What is the translation of vado?

"Vado" translates to "I go" in English.

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What does vado mean in English?

"Vado" in English translates to "I go" or "I'm going."

How do you say Go forth and conquer in Latin?

arise, go forth and conquer

What is the English translation of is mos totus vado nefas?

The original English text was "it will all go wrong", which is exactly what happened when an online translation site got its hands on it. The result is a grammar-free string of Latin words that means something like "He custom entire I walk sin".A better translation would be Hoc omnino male eveniet("This thing will turn out altogether badly") or Omnia male evenient ("Everything will turn out badly").

What is 'I go to school' when translated from English to Italian?

vado a scuola is the translation in Italian Language. It is the fifth most taught language. It has more than 65 million native speakers.

What is 'I go to the park' when translated from English to Italian?

Vado al parco

What is the Italian translation of 'I'm going to ask'?

Vado a domandare is an Italian equivalent of the English phrase "I'm going to ask."Specifically, the verb vado means "(I) am going, do go, go." The dependent preposition a means "to." The infinitive domandare means "to ask."The pronunciation is "VAH-doh ah DOH-mahn-DAH-reh."

What is the Italian translation of the English phrase 'I'm going to bed early'?

Vado a letto presto is an Italian equivalent of the English phrase "I'm going to bed early".Specifically, the verb vado is "(I) am going, do go, go". The preposition a means "to". The mascuilne noun letto means "bed". The adverb presto translates as "early".The pronunciation will be "VAH-doh ah LET-toh PREH-stoh" in Italian.

What is the Italian translation of the English phrase 'I am going to dinner'?

Io vado a cena is an Italian equivalent of the English phrase "I am going to dinner".Specifically, the personal pronoun io -- which does not have to be used other than for emphasis -- is "I". The verb vado means "(I) am going, do go, go". The preposition a means "to". The feminine noun cena translates as "dinner".The pronunciation will be "EE-oh VAH-doh ah TCHEY-nah" in Italian.

Which one is correct Vado dal dottore or Vado al dottore?

Vado dal dentista

What is meant in English by 'Angelus insistat mihi qua umquam ego vado'?

The angel pursues me everywhere I go is the English equivalent of 'Angelus insistat mihi qua umquam ego vado'. In the word by word translation, the noun 'Angelus' means 'angel'. The verb 'insistat' means '[he/she/it] does pursue, is pursuing, pursues'. The personal pronoun 'mihi' means 'to me'. The relative pronoun 'qua' used as an adverb means 'where, on which side, how'. The adverb 'umquam' means 'at any time'. The personal pronoun 'ego' means '[I]'. The verb 'vado' means '[I] am going or rushing, do go or rush, go or rush'.