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The escape key on a keyboard has several different function, it can be use to stop programming, in dialogue boxes it can be used for no, quit, exit, cancel or abort.

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Q: What is the Esc or Escape key used for?
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What is the purpose of the ESC key?

Esc stands for escape and you can press it if you want to stop a command. It is sometimes used as pause in computer games

What key quits range finder?

The Escape key, which sometimes just has Esc on it.

How do you do Angry Birds full key?

press escape (ESC) 637558

What does the keyboard shortcut notation ctrl plus esc mean?

The keyboard shortcut notation ctrl plus esc means you press the Control key concurrently with the Escape key. On a Windows PC, the Ctrl + Esc shortcut produces the Start Menu.

How to abandon the data you are currently typing into a cell?

Just press the Escape (Esc) key.

What does the Escape key do in Excel?

The ESC key can be your friend in some circumstances. If you click on a menu item by mistake, sometimes you can cancel the task by pressing the ESC key. If you start typing in a cell and change you mind, just press the ESC key to blank the cell and let you start over.

What is the meaning of ESC in the keyboard?

On computer keyboards, the Esc key is a key labeled Esc or Escape that is used to generate the ASCII Escape character (Control-[, ASCII code 27 in decimal), the character code traditionally used to initiate an escape sequence. As most computer users no longer are concerned with the details of controlling their computer's peripherals, the task for which the escape sequences were originally designed, the escape key was appropriated by application programmers, most often to mean Stop. This use continues today in Microsoft Windows's use of escape as a shortcut in dialog boxes for No, Quit, Exit, Cancel, or Abort, as well as a common shortcut key for the Stop button in many web browsers.[1][2][3] The ESC key has been backronymed by some to stand for "Extra Services Control".[4]. On machines running Microsoft Windows, prior to the implementation of the Windows key on keyboards, the typical practice for invoking the "start" button was to hold down the control key and press escape. Microsoft Windows makes use of "Esc" for many key shortcuts.[5] Many of these shortcuts have been present since Windows 3.0, through Windows XP, Windows Vista, and now Windows 7. In Mac OS X, the most common use for the Esc key, used in combination with the Option (alt) key and the Command key, i.e. using the Alt-Command-Esc key combination, is to access the Force Application-Quit menu. Another use for the Esc key, in combination with the Command key, is switching to Front Row, if installed. The key is indicated as a circle with an arrow through it (U+238B, ⎋) as defined in ISO 9995. (ref.

Which key can you press to remove the Auto Correct option from your screen?

Escape, sam 2007.

What is the escape key on minecraft?

It is, simply put, the 'Esc' button found on the top-left of your keyboard. ;)

Why doesn't escape key do anything?

Esc does do things for me. For example when there is a menu that is expanded, if I press Esc the menu collapses. If you have an pplication that does not respond this way it must be because the programmers do not want you to acess that function in such a manner. It could also be that your Esc key is faulty!

What key do you use to stp or negate a command?

Well I'm pretty sure that the answer is the "Esc" key(escape) according to Windows users.

How do you close the chat box on minecraft?

The Escape [Esc] key in the upper left hand corner of your keyboard.