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"Good luck and Best wishes" is an English equivalent of "Bonne chance et meilleurs voeux."

The feminine adjective "bonne" means "good." The feminine noun "chance" means "luck." Its singular definite article is "la" ("the"), and its singular indefinite article is "une" ("a, one"). The conjunction "et" means "and." The masculine adjective "meilleurs" means "best." The masculine noun "voeux" means "wishes." Its plural definite article is "les," and its plural indefinite article is "des" ("some").

The pronunciation is "bawn shawnss ey meh-yur vay"

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Q: What is the French 'Bonne chance et Meilleurs voeux' in English?
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I don't know of any fixed expressions for wishing someone success, but you might say Je vous souhaite beaucoup de succès.

How do you say goodluck in french?

"Bonne chance et meilleurs voeux" is a French equivalent of "Good luck and Best wishes."The feminine adjective "bonne" means "good." The feminine noun "chance" means "luck." Its singular definite article is "la" ("the"), and its singular indefinite article is "une" ("a, one"). The conjunction "et" means "and." The masculine adjective "meilleurs" means "best." The masculine noun "voeux" means "wishes." Its plural definite article is "les," and its plural indefinite article is "des" ("some").The pronunciation is "buhn shawn-seh meh-lyuhr vuh."

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Meilleurs voeux pour le nouvel an - Bonne Année

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Bonne chance pour l'avenir

What does Bon Chance aujourd hur cherie mean in English?

chance is translated 'luck' in English (while 'hasard' has the sense of random which is connoted to the English 'chance')It is a feminine noun, so we write "ma bonne chance" and not 'mon bon chance' ; it means 'my good luck'

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'Bonne Chance'