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Irish and Scottish Gaelic: loch

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Q: What is the Gaelic word for lake?
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Related questions

What is the Gaelic word for loch?

Loch or Lough are Gaelic words for Lake. Loch is used in Scottish Gaelic and Lough in Irish Gaelic.

In which country did the word 'loch' originate?

Loch is from the Scotihs Gaelic for lake.

What is Lough the Irish word for?

It's an anglicized spelling of the Irish Gaelic word 'loch' meaning 'lake'.

What is the Gaelic for 'lake'?


What is the Scottish Gaelic for lake?


What does the name loch mean?

Loch is the Scottish name for a flooded glacial valley that may be fresh or sea-water.

Is Lake Loch Ness a phyical feature?

Loch Ness (loch is a Gaelic word for lake) is a body of water situated in the Scottish highlands. It is a physical feature of the Scottish landscape.

What is the Gaelic term for lake?

In Scotland it is the same as the Scottish-English and Scots word - "Loch" as in "Loch Dubh" Dark Lake. In Irish it is spelled "Lough" but has a similar pronunciation to Loch

How do you say lake in Gaelic?

Lough, an anglicization of the Irish Gaelic loch.

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No Gaelic word for Chalmers.

Define the Gaelic word geen?

It is not a Gaelic word.

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The word 'bassett' is not a Gaelic word, and therefore has no meaning in Gaelic.