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3d ago

The Genus of live oak leaf is Quercus and the species can vary depending on the specific type of live oak, such as Quercus virginiana for Southern live oak or Quercus agrifolia for Coast live oak.

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Q: What is the Genus and species of live oak leaf?
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Quercus rubra is the genus and species name of the red oak.

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The type of tree that has an obovate lobal leaf is the oak tree. There are different species of oak trees.

Which two parts make up an organisms scientific name?

The Genus and the Species. The genus can be likened to a persons Family name and the species name likened to the first name. For example: Quercus robor is the botanical name for the English Oak tree. Quercus is the genus name and robor the species name. Querus ilex is the botanical name of the Turkish Oak tree. Quercus suber is the botanical name of the Spanish Oak tree. From the examples above you can see that all "true" oak trees belong to the genus Quercus, where as the species name is specific to a particular type of oak. The Genus name shows how the plants are related to each other. The genus name is always capitalized and the species name begins with a small letter.

What species is an oak tree?

There are about 600 species of Oak tree and shrub in the genus Quercus, some trees from the Lithocarpus family are also refered to as stone oaks.Examples might include the Red, Blue or White Oak, the Post Oak, English Oak or Turkey Oak.

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Explain why two species that belong to the same genus such as white oak and cork oak also belong to the same family?


Is a white oak evergreen or deciduous?

No Alternative answer: Oak trees are members of the genus Quercus. Some are deciduous, some not. For a list of evergreen species of oak, see: also has a link to the deciduous species.

What genus does white oak belong to?

The genus of a white oak is Quercus.