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One Greek root of 'to track' is odme. A direct derivative of this Greek root word is the Latin masculine gender noun 'odor', which means 'the smell'. An indirect derivative, by way of the Latin noun 'odor', is the Latin infinitive 'odorari', which means 'to smell, to track'.

Another Greek root is the verb ago, in the first person singular. A direct derivative of this Greek root word is the Latin verb 'ago', which is the first person singular form in the present indicative tense of 'agere' and which means '[I] set in motion'. An indirect derivative, by way of the Latin verb 'ago', is the Latin infinitive 'indagare', which means 'to track'.

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1mo ago

The Greek root that most closely means to track is "hod-" or "odos," which means "way" or "path." This root is often used to indicate following a specific path or route, like in the words "period" or "episode."

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