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γοητεία (goitia).

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Q: What is the Greek word for charm?
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What is the Greek word for grace?

The Greek word translated "grace" in the New Testament is charis, from which we get the modern word "charity." It is defined as, "that which affords joy, pleasure, delight, sweetness, charm, loveliness; good will, favor, merciful kindness."

What was Charis the goddess of?

Charis, in greek mythology, is one of the Charities, goddesses of charm, human creativity, nature, beauty, and fertility. Her name was derived from the Greek word meaning "grace."

What is the Hebrew word for charm?

to charm = hiksim (הקסים) charm (noun) = sharm (שארם)

What does the name Charissa mean in Greek?

Charissa is greek in origin and means grace;charm.

What is the verb for charm?

The participles of the verb "to charm" - charmed and charming - can be used as adjectives. The noun charm is used as a noun adjunct in such forms as charm bracelet and charm school.

What is the personification of beauty and charm in Greek mythology?


What does the word charm mean in Hebrew?

charm = sharm (שארם) or kesem (כסם)

What is the adverb for charm?

Charmingly is the adverb of the word charm."He smiled charmingly at her" is an example sentence.

What is a four letter word for charm?

it is luck because charm means luck

What sentences have the word charm in it?

hey Betty, would you like my charm bracelet?

If you rearrange the letters in march what word will you get?

The word you get is charm.

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