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Its παραδειγμα (paradigma)

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Q: What is the Greek word for example?
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What is the Greek root word for logos?

The Greek root word for logos is "logos" (λόγος), which translates to "word" or "speech." It is often used in philosophy and theology to refer to the principle of reason and rationality.

Do you have a book for Greek words and their meanings for example greek word for technique?

There are many books of Greek words and their meanings. They are called DICTIONARIES.Technique in Greek is "tekniki".

What does greek roots mean?

Greek roots refer to the origin of words in the Greek language. Many English words have roots in Greek, and understanding these roots can help decipher the meaning of unfamiliar words or make connections between related words.

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Skopeo is Greek for to see so the English word microscope is an example of a root word.?

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What is the Greek word for Abaddon?

The Greek equivalent of the word Abbadon is "Apollyon." More information about Abaddon can be found on a number of online sites. Wikipedia, for example, is a good resource.

What is the word for family in Greek?

The Modern Greek word for family is oikogéneia, pronounced eeko YEN eeya. The ancients had no general word for family; the closest Classical Greek word for it is oikia,meaning "house," or "household." The reigning family, for example, is he tyranniké oikía.

Is Helios the latin word for sun?

Helios was the Greek god of the sun. The word is sometimes used for the sun, in the word "heliocentric" (sun-centred) for example.

Do 'autograph' and 'seismograph' have Greek or Latin roots?

The words 'autograph' and 'seismograph' have Greek roots. For example, the word 'autograph' comes from the Greek 'auto', as 'self'; and 'graphein', as 'to write'. The word 'seismograph' comes from the Greek 'seismo', as 'shaking' or 'shock'; and 'graphein', as 'to write'.

Is penta a Hebrew word?

No. It's the Greek prefix for "five". ( Like for example "pentagon" . . . )

What are some words for the greek root word enn?

Some words related to the Greek root "enn" include "ennui" which means a feeling of listlessness and dissatisfaction arising from a lack of excitement, and "ennoble" which means to elevate in rank, dignity, or excellence.

What does the Greek word KAI mean?

Kai means "and". for example: eyo Kai esi means me and you