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alkai metals

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Q: What is the Group name or number of lithium?
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What is lithium's group number in the periodic table?

The group no. of Lithium is 1 and its period number is 2.

Does lithium have a family name?

Lithium is in the alkali metals group.

What is lithuim's group number?

Lithium is in Group 1.

What is the lithium number?

The atomic number of lithium is 3. Lithium is in the second period and the first group in the periodic table of Mendeleev.

What is the family name of the alkali?

Alkali metals or group 1 or lithium group.

What is The lightest element in group 3?

Lithium The element number represents the number of protons in its nucleus. That means the smaller number a element has, the lighter it will be. Lithium is the third element.

What is the group name for the elements in group one?

Group I of the periodic table is called the Alkali Metals group (Hydrogen-Lithium group)

Is lithium in the carbon group?

No, lithium is in the alkali metals group.

What is the name for LiClO2?

LiClO2 is Lithium chlorite; Li = Lithium; ClO2 is the chlorite group (1 chloride, 2 oxygen).

Where did the families get their names in Chemistry?

The name of a group (family) is derived from the name of an element: lithium group (alkali metals), titanium group, chromium group, zinc group etc.

Name of lithium's family members?

Lithiums in the group Alkali metals

What is the meaning of lithium?

Lithium is an element in the alkali metals group. It is atomic number 3 and it is a soft silvery metal. It is also found in a number of compounds. One is lithium carbonate and it is used as a drug to help a person manage their moods.