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bird's nest = ken (קן)

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Q: What is the Hebrew word for bird's nest?
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What is the Hebrew word for nest?

ken (קן)

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The Hebrew word 'ken' translates into English as 'yes' - but what else does 'ken' mean?

"Ken" also means nest, as in a bird's nest.

What is the the passive form of Birds built nest?

The nest was built by birds.

Facts about the birds nest Beijing?

it looks like a birds nest

What is the Hebrew word for avian?

There is no Hebrew word for avian. Depending on context, you would just use the word for birds: tsiporim (ציפורים) or ofot (עופות)

What is nest with birds called?

Te specific study of the birds nest is calle "ornithology".

Do birds mate before or after making a nest?

Birds mate after and before making a nest

What company has birds in a nest for a logo?

Nestle has 3 birds in a nest on a branch

What spring words begin with the letter N?

Nests, nuts,nature,nets,nights

What is in a bird nest?

To make a birds nest birds take sticks and basically anything that they find and then they make a nest out of it. Birds nests are all recycled!! hehehe... birds are amazing and can do amazing things!! Hope this helped!!