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Q: What is the ICD-9-Code for Tumor of the sacral spine?
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How do you pronounce sacral?

Sacral is pronounced as "say-cruel".The sacral spine is below the lumbar spine but is above the coccyx.Spinal cord levels:cervicalthoraciclumbarsacralcoccyx

What section of the spine the coccyx in?

The coccyx is in the sacral section of the spine.

What is a sacral hemangioma?

A sacral hemangioma is a tumor of the sacrum, or tailbone. Sacral hemangiomas are very rare and can be treated if they cause pain.

What is the primary curve of the spine?

the thoracic and sacral curves

What is sacral nerve stimulation?

Sacral nerve stimulation, also known as sacral neuromodulation, is a procedure in which the sacral nerve at the base of the spine is stimulated by a mild electrical current from an implanted device

What is Connection between pelvis and spine?

The sacrum, or sacral region, of the spine is connected to the Ilium of the pelvis.

3 main divisions of the spine are called what?

lumbar, thoracic and sacral

What part of lumbar spine controls saddle area OR bladder?

The upper sacral part of the spine. S1 to S2.

Tendon and muscle connecting to lumbar and sacral area of vertebrae?

An x-ray of the lumbar sacral show air along each side of the spine and was told there was no connection between the ligaments/tendons and the spine. What effect can that have?

How many segment make up the spine?

cervical, thoracic, lumbar and sacral.

If you have a tumor on you spine where would you have pain?

your foot

What does sacral mean?

"Sacral" refers to the sacrum, which is a triangular bone at the base of the spine. It is located between the fifth segment of the lumbar spine (L5) and the coccyx (tailbone). The sacrum is made up of five fused vertebrae and forms the back portion of the pelvis. It plays a crucial role in supporting the weight of the upper body and transferring it to the hips and legs. The sacral region is also important in terms of the nervous system, as it contains the sacral spinal nerves, which control various functions in the lower part of the body.