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tà a làn bron orm mar tù nach anseo - literally translated means, i have a lot of sadness because you're not here....i could b wrong!

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Q: What is the Irish Gaelic for 'I still miss you a lot'?
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What is the Gaelic for 'Scotland'?

Alba, pronounced as 'allapa' is the Scottish Gaelic. Since we get a lot of question on this site from Americans and others who refer to Irish as 'Gaelic', it is necessary to say the Irish Gaelic is Albain.

How do you say i like you a lot in Gaelic?

Taitníonn tú go mór liom. (Irish)Scots Gaelic (?)

How do you say that's your lot in Gaelic?

In Irish it's "sin uile"

Irish Gaelic for there was a lot of work to be done?

bhí a lán oibre le déanamh

Info on what sports Irish people play?

Irish people play a lot of sports including soccer, basketball, rugby, golf, snooker, tennis etc. There are sports which are Irish/Gaelic that are played. These include Gaelic football, hurling and camogie. People who play these games are usually members of a GAA(Gaelic Athletic Association) club.

What is the Scottish Gaelic for 'Scotland'?

Alba, pronounced as 'all-apa' is the (Scottish) Gaelic.Since we get a lot of question on this site from Americans and others who refer to Irish as 'Gaelic', it is necessary to say the Irish (Gaelic) is Albain.

Irish Gaelic for when you saw it you knew there was a lot of work to be done?

Nuair a chonaic tú é bhí a fhios agat go raibh a lán oibre le déanamh

What if you miss a lot of birth control pills and your still not knocked up?

You got lucky!

What is the Gaelic alphabet?

"Gaelic" one of the two branches of the Celtic language group (Goidelic) which includes the native (non-English) languages of Highland Scotland, Ireland and the Isle of Man. It also refers to the cultures of those lands.

What are the ability barriers in sport for women?

In terms of Gaelic Football and Hurling, there are a lot of things that are very strongly associated with the nationalist community in Ireland, that would go down well with the unionist community. The Gaelic Athletic Association (GAA) was set up in 1884 to promote Gaelic sports and culture. Many Gaelic Football and Hurling clubs are named after people who would have been involved in rebellions and would be seen as heroes in much of Ireland. The Irish national anthem is played at Gaelic Football and Hurling matches. The Irish flag flies at matches. There is a strong emphasis on the Irish language and many other aspects of Irish culture. While the actual games of Gaelic Football and Hurling are good as sports, it is the other aspects that have been mentioned that are associated with Gaelic games which would make them difficult to be accepted by the unionist community.

What languages are spoken in Northern Ireland?

English, Gammon, Irish Gaelic and Ulster Scots are the languages spoken in Ireland. Everyone knows English, Irish Travellers speak Gammon and many of the Irish use Gaelic either a little bit or a lot.Mainly English but in certain parts called the Gaeltacht the original Irish language is encouraged and spoken to try and keep the language alive but 99 percent of the population speak English as their first languageEnglish is the predominant language in Ireland. The native language Irish Gaelic is spoken by 2 or 3% of the population.Gaelic is the official language of Ireland but the majority of the country speak English as their first language. Outside of that there are immigrants which speak their native tongue such as Polish and the languages taught in schools such as French and German.English is the primary language, they also speak Irish (a Celtic language), and the languages of recent immigrants.Ireland has both English and Gaelic was a spoken language.Irish and English are Ireland's two official languages. English is the most commonly spoken. Some Irish people would have knowledge of other languages, but wouldn't necessarily use them very often, except when travelling.English and irish would be the expected answers here. I would imagine though that Polish is spoken as often or more often than irish.Ireland has 2 official languages: Irish (Gaelic or Gaeilge), referred to as "the first official language", and English. Laws, etc., are published in both languages but in the event of a legal challenge or interpretation the Irish version has precedence over the English.Irish is the old native language but we speak English as a first language.Irish and English.English and Gaelic , the native language of Ireland .. e.g failte , which means welcomeenglishYes.most Irish people speak English. A minority speak Irishnearly all Irish people speak English, and a lot speak Irish too, though it is more prevalent to speak it day to day in the west of IrelandThe official languages of the Republic of Ireland are Irish (also known as Irish Gaelic, as distinct from Scottish Gaelic or the extinct Manx Gaelic) and English. Irish is the first language only in Gaeltacht regions (mostly found in western Ireland) and English is the first language of the majority of the inhabitants of areas like Dublin. Ullans and Cant are minority languages.Most Irish people speak English. Some speak Irish and English. A small few speak Gaelic onlyEnglish and Gaelic(Irish)Irish or gaeilgeIrish and English are both official languages but English is used in everyday conversation by most peopleBoth languages are spoken in Ireland, with the majority speaking Ireland the main language spoken is English. but Irish/Gaelic is Ireland's native languageWell English for one, but Irish-Gaelic otherwise. I don't know the Irish equivalent but I will try with the Scots version: Eirinn GaidhlighThe main languages in Ireland are English & Irish Gaelic.They speck english but in some towns they speck gaeigleEnglish as our first, and Irish (Gaeilge) as our second. This is not counting the foreign population of recent times. The Irish Travellers speak a dialect among themselves called 'Shelta".Irish (Gaelic) and EnglishMost people in Ireland speak English. However, some people in rural Gaeltacht areas in south-west, west and northwest also speak Irish or Gaelic - but not many. There are also some 2nd language speakers in the urban east coast cities Dublin and Belfast.There is a growing number of primary gaelscoils - schools where Irish is spoken, and young kids learn it.But there are probably as many Polish and Chinese speakers, with Russian, Arabic and Hausa up there as well.EngrishEnglish is the main language and some people speak Irish. They are the two official languages of Ireland. Outside of those there is no real third language spoke by Irish people. Many Irish people can speak other languages, typically some of the other European languages. There are also people from other countries in Ireland who speak their own languages.English is predominant, but a minority is blingual in Irish and English.Irish and English are the official langauges of Ireland. Irish is sometimes associated with 'Éire.' English is the predominant speech of the Republic of Ireland.Ir elands language is Irish, but in Irish it's Gaelic. Some ppl think that the Irish language is the same as English but it's not.The native language of Ireland is Irish (Gaelic) which is a Celtic language related to Scottish and Manx Gaelic and less closely to Welsh, Cornish and Breton.Ireland has 2 official languages: Irish (Gaeilge) and EnglishEnglish but 72,000 people speak Irish as their mother tongue, usually in the Gaelteact regions.English is the most common languge in IrelandThe official languages of the Republic of Ireland are Irish (Gaelic) and English. The majority speak English (or dialects of English),English and Irish (Gaelic) are the official languages of the Republic of Ireland, with English being the dominant. People in Irish-speaking communities, Gaeltacht regions, are limited to the low tens of thousands in isolated areas mostly on the western seaboard. According to the 2006 census, 39% of the population regard themselves as being able to speak Irish at a conversational level.GaelicEnglish! Irish is used as a second language!Irish is the first official language an English is the second official language.Most people speak English in Ireland, but the dialect is very different. Only 10,000-20,000 people speak Irish daily, but the majority of English speakers also speak Irish well.The languages are Irish (Gaelic) and English.The primary language in most areas of Ireland is English, though everyone that's Irish learns the Irish language in school up to the equlivent of G.C.S.E. level. There are some areas in Ireland that still speak Irish exclusively called gaeltacht areas.EnglishIrish GaelicIrish, or sometimes known as Gaelic.A term generally used by most is Irish Gaelic. Gaelic is sometime used to refer to the native language of Ireland, but there are three languages in the same family: the native languages of Ireland, of Scotland, and of the Isle of Man. These are the Goidelic languages. See link for more.English is the most widely spoken language. Irish is also spoken and is the official language.Constitutionally, the first, official national language is Gaeilge, which originated in Ireland prior to written history and is still taught in Irish schools. Practically, Ireland is a bilingual country with both Gaeilge and English spoken. However, speakers of Gaeilge as a first language, are now in the minority.The term, Irish Gaelic, or simply Gaelic, is still used by some, mostly foreigners, reminiscent of past foreign domination.Irish and English are Ireland's two offical languages.Irish and EnglishIrishEnglish is the main language spoken but Irish is also an official language.Irish is the main language to have originated from within the island, while others have been introduced through foreign settlements. Since the late nineteenth century, English has been the predominant first language. A large minority claims some ability to use Irish, even though it is the first language only for a small percentage of the population. Within the Republic of Ireland, under Bunreacht na hÉireann, the Irish constitution, both languages have official status, with Irish being the national and first official language. Other languages are:Hiberno-EnglishMid Ulster EnglishScotsShelaPolishFrenchGermanIrish Sign Languageect...Nearly all Irish people speak English but in the Gaeltacht areas, which are mostly in parts of western Ireland, Irish is still spoken. Irish and English are the two official languages of Ireland. Irish is sometimes referred to as Gaelic, as it is one of the Gaelic languages, and in Irish it is referred to as Gaeilge.There are some parts of Ireland where 50%+ of the people speak Gaelic, but most everyone you meet will know English as well. Irish is the first official language and is the national language of Ireland. English is the most commonly spoken language. Minority languages include Ulster Scots and Gammon.There are two official languages, English and Irish Gaelic.EnglishThe 2 languges are Irish and English.English is the main language in Ireland. Officially the first language of Ireland is Irish, often referred to as Gaelic by people outside of Ireland. It is only spoken fluently by a minority, predominately along the west coast of Ireland. Irish does feature a lot in everyday things in Ireland such as placenames, names for organisations and public bodies, and some official titles. The head of government in Ireland is know as the Taoiseach (Tee-shock). Other members and institutions of government also have Irish language names. There is a national radio station that broadcasts in Irish and also a national television station. The Irish national anthem is always sung in Irish. The teaching of Irish is compulsory in Irish schools. Some state jobs have a requirement for Irish. As in any country other languages are taught in schools and with an increased immigrant population in Ireland over the past 20 years, more languages are being spoken in Ireland.Irish and EnglishIreland speak English but technically the national language is Irish.Gaelige (that's Irish in Irish...) and English. Both are listed in the Constitution as official languages.two Gaelic and EnglishDia Duit is Irish for HelloIrish Gaelic and English.Irish and EnglishOfficially Irish but majority speak English, also in northern Ireland there is a large ulster Scots community which has its own languageThe most widely spoken language in Ireland is English. There is also the Irish language, known Gaeilge, or as people outside Ireland would call it: Gaelic. It is not as widely spoken and in it varies in the different parts of Ireland that it is spoken, in the same that any language is spoken differently in different parts of a country.Irish (Gaelic) and EnglishIrish gaelic and english. Though there is a significant eastern E.U. minoirity population in ireland which speak Polish.the official languages of Ireland are Irish (Gaelic) and EnglishIrish and englishIrishEnglishUlster ScotsSheltaEnglish is the most commonly used language but Irish, Gaelic and Ulster Scot are still spoken in some parts.English or IrishSome schools in the south only allow speaking in gaelic. But the overall language they speak in the republic is English!English and Irish.The primary language of the Irish Republic and N.I. is English. The native language of Ireland is called Irish (Gaeilge) by the Irish and 'Gaelic' by non-Irish. It is a community language in parts of 3 counties today and is a school subject in the Republic. There is government support for the language but its number of speakers is dwindling. There are however Gaelscoileanna (all Irish-language schools) that had had some success. The Irish Traveller communities use a language called Cant/Gammon/Shelta among themselves. Ireland has received many immigrants in recent years and as result you may hear Polish or Mandarin more often than Irish/Gaelic in some places.English and Irish ("Gaelic") are official. Virtually all Irish speakers can speak English.Irish first English secondIrish people speak english.English and Gaelic... The latter is also known as Erse or Irish.English and Gaelic.Before the English language was imposed upon Ireland, the Irish spoke Irish Celtic (Gaelic) alternately known as Erse.English.Mostly English is spoken but in the 7 gaelteach areas around Ireland it is Gaelic, which is the native Irish language.A majority of the Irish population speak english, however there are 7 gaelteach areas around Ireland that speak fluent Irish and use it as there everyday language such as Conamara in Co. Galway. The language itself is known as "Gaeilge" meaning "Irish" or Gaelic. Hope I Helped :)English and IrishIrishthey speak english.

What do Irish schools they theach and are thay religious schools?

Irish schools teach normal subjects like maths, history, geography, science and so on. You will also learn the Irish language. Some schools are still run by religious organisations, but a lot are not.