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Q: What is the Italian word for dynamics and tempo?
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What is 'dynamics and tempo' when translated from English to Italian?

Dinamiche e tempo is an Italian equivalent of the English phrase "dynamics and tempo." The phrase also translates as "dynamics and time" or "dynamics and weather" according to English contexts. The pronunciation will be "dee-NA-mee-key TEM-po" in Italian.

What Italian and Latin words can the English word 'tempo' be traced to?

The word "tempo" can be traced to the Latin word tempusand the Italian word tempo for "time."

What is the earliest origin for tempo?

From Latin, "tempus," meaning "time." From that came the Italian word, "tempo," also meaning time.

What does the tempo cantabile mean?

Its not a tempo. Its an Italian word meaning singable, or song-like.

What language did the word tempo come from?

The Italian language.

What is 'fast tempo' in Italian?

'Presto' is an Italian equivalent of 'fast tempo''.The Italian word is an adverb. It literally means 'early, quick, soon'. It's pronounced 'PREH-stoh'.

What is the English word 'tempo' in Italian?

"Tempo" is the same in Italian and in English.Specifically, the Italian word is a masculine noun that includes among its translations "tempo, time, weather." Its singular definite article "il" means "the." Its singular indefinite article "un, uno" means "a, one."The pronunciation is "TEHM-poh.'

What is 'tempo' when translated from Italian to English?

Tempo in Italian means "tempo," "time" or "weather" in English.

How the dynamic in music is related to tempo?

Not at all. Dynamics are the volume changes and tempo is the speed.

What is 'tempo di Foatrett' when translated from Italian to English?

Tempo di Foatrett in Italian means "Foatrett time (tempo)" in English.

Can a tempo get louder?

Tempo cannot get louder, because the tempo is the pace that the music is being played at. The dynamics and the pitchor the tone can become louder, but not the tempo.

What does the word elements mean in music?

duration, tempo, harmony, dynamics, lyrics, artist, pitch texture, hook, and beat.