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Q: What is the Japanese buddha?
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How do you say Buddha in japanese?

仏陀(pronounced buddha) or 仏(hotoke)

Look at these statues. These are Japanese representations of?

the Buddha

What does miroku mean in Japanese?

Miroku is the Japanese name for Maitreya, the Buddha of the future.

What is the most popular Japanese belief?

the Buddha or shinigami

The Japanese word in reference to 'Buddha' is?

In Japanese, there are several words that can refer to a Buddha. "The" Buddha, Siddhārtha Gautama (the founder of Buddhism) can be referred to as 'shaka.' (釈迦) Other words include 'butsu/hotoke,' (仏) and 'budda.' (仏陀)

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What is the Japanese word for Buddha?

Daibutsu _____ This is not correct, Daibutsu means "Big Buddha" (大 = big, 仏 = Buddha), and is most often used to refer to large Buddha statues. Buddha is simply "仏", pronounced "futsu/butsu" or "hotoke", depending on context (and who you ask).

Who specifically was responsible for the spread of Buddhism and Chinese culture across the Japanese empire?


Did feudal Japanese merchants follow a religion?

Yes. Japanese merchants followed Buddha. They had special temples made of gold which they prayed and worshiped their leader. They had special ceremonies which they gave thanks and gifts to Buddha so he could restore all health and help them with their crops.

Why did the Japanese stop painting Buddha in 1086?

They got tired and decided to stop. They got tired and decided to stop.

Is RaijinAKA Raiden the Japanese god of thunder plus lightning a good or evil god?

Yes he is...and initially he was evil and opposed Buddha but eventually he was captured and has been working with Buddha's army since then as a god.

What ideas do the Japanese have about God or gods?

In Shinto, there are millions of gods; mostly nature spirits. Buddha is worshipped as a god, too.