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Q: What is the Japanese character for rhino?
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How do you say rhino is Japanese?

Sai (VDW was here)

Why is hellokitty a Japanese character?

Hello Kitty is a Japanese character because she was produced by the Japanese company Sanrio who continues to market the character to this day.

What is the Japanese character for cloud?

The character used in Japanese to represent "cloud", as in Chinese, is 雲, pronounced kumo.

What is the Japanese character for male and female?

The Japanese character for male is 男 and the character for female is 女.

Is there a character representing the American character 'L' in Japanese?

No, there is not. The Japanese R-like consonant is a cross between an R and an L.

What is the Japanese character for cat?

neko 猫

What is the Japanese character for fox?

狐 (kitsune)

What is the Japanese character for kuro?

黒 (kuro)

What is the Japanese character for silver?

銀 = gin

Cartoon character that starT s with the letter k?

KandyAnswerkid rhino or else knuckles hope this helps you out from Donna

What is the kanji for new in Japanese?

The character ? means 'new' in Japanese and can be seen in the adjective for 'new' ??? (atarashii).

What is the Japanese character for yen?

The Kanji for 'yen' is 円