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いかにも ikanimo


まったく mattaku (for when you're also kind of saying 'completely', eg. He is completely in love, huh.)


そうとも soutomo (much more casual; damn straight)

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Politely: そうですよ "Sou desu yo"

Casually: そうだよ "Sou dayo"

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Is the Japanese name yoruichi a boy or girl name?

Most likely it is a name for a male (because of the "ichi" ending), but it is not a common name if, indeed, it exists at all.

What tv channels show Japanese shows?

Japanese Monster films such as Godzilla, Mothra, etc are occasionally aired on the Residual channels. ( those that run mainly reruns and such things as here, indeed are Dinosaurs, Baseball Games). Like channels 9 and ll.

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