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KAABA is the direction that all moslems refer to while performing "salaat" (prayers) five times a day. The direction taken into consideration is "West" (sun setting in one's place)

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Q: What is the Kaaba and what is it used for?
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What is kaaba's?

Kaaba is a historic the direction of kaaba muslim worship but not worship kaaba

What did Arabs say about kaaba?

.Kaaba, because kaaba itself is an Arabic word.

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Stones to throw at kaaba

What is the shape of the Kaaba?

The Kaaba is in the shape of a cube. This is because the word Kaaba means cube in Arabic

What is the difference of the old kaaba and the new kaaba?

no difference

What materials were used to build kaaba?

i think fabric is best for making kabah

Who built the kaaba and why?

It is believed that Abraham, who is mentioned in the Bible, built the Kaaba. The Kaaba is a building that is a place of worship for all Muslims.

What is kaaba used for?

KAABA is the direction that all moslems refer to while performing "salaat" (prayers) five times a day. The direction taken into consideration is "West" (sun setting in one's place)

Why do they face mecca?

The Qiblah, for any point of reference on the Earth, is the direction of the Kaaba. In Muslim religious practice, supplicants must face this direction in prayer. Muslims do not worship the Kaaba or its contents; the Kaaba is simply a focal point for prayer. If someone is inside the Kaaba, they are allowed to pray facing any direction. In ancient times, Muslims traveling abroad used an astrolabe to find the Qiblah. Peace.

What is Twarf and kaaba?

Kaaba is a circumambulating of pilgrims. Tawaf is also a performance by the pilgrims.

Which side the Black stone placed on Kaaba?

it is placed in outer side of kaaba