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Anas or anatis.

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Q: What is the Latin name for duck?
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What is the meaning of the latin name for duck?

Anas is the Latin word for duck, the meaning of the Latin word for duck is "duck."

What is a calloo?

A calloo is a long-tailed duck, Latin name Clangula hyemalis, an Arctic sea duck.

What is a Burdekin duck?

A Burdekin duck is an Australian bird, Latin name Tadorna radjah, which is a protected species within Australia.

What common name of the duck hawk comes from the Latin word for traveler?

Peregrine Falcon

What is an American widgeon?

An American widgeon is a species of duck, Latin name Anas americana.

What is a yellow bill?

A yellow-billed loon is a species of duck, Latin name Gavia adamsii.

What is a Barrow's goldeneye?

A Barrow's goldeneye is a duck in the goldeneye genus, Latin name Bucephala islandica.

What is a bergander?

A bergander is a European duck, also known as the sheldrake, Latin name Anas tadorna.

What is a yellow-billed loon?

A yellow-billed loon is a species of duck, Latin name Gavia adamsii.

What is the Latin translation for the word duck?

Duck = Anas Ducks = Anates

What is a bluewing?

A bluewing is another name for the blue-winged teal, Latin name Anas discors, a dabbling duck native to North America.

What is the name of the duck from michey mouse?

The name of the duck from Mickey Mouse is Donald Duck (boy duck name ) the girl duck is called Daisy Duck