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There doesn't seem to be a classical Latin word for "stirrup." The Medieval term appears variously as stapia, stapisand stapes. The last of these, stapes, is the scientific name for the small stirrup-shaped bone found in the middle ear. (The other two also have Latin names: incus, the anvil, and malleus, the hammer.)

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Q: What is the Latin names for stirrup?
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Why was the stirrup bone names a stirrup?

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What are 3 scientific names for hammer anvil and stirrup?

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Were in your body would you find a stirrup bone?

stirrup is one of the bones present in the ear.Thee are 3 bones altogether : hammer anvil and stirrup, and their scientific names...malleus , incuz and stapes respectively. these magnify the vibrations due to their small area and pass them to the cochlea through the oval window.

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Another word for stirrup is the stapes.

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The bone in your middle ear called the stirrup has that name because it resembles the stirrup used when riding a horse.

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The stapes or stirrup is the stirrup-shaped small bone or ossicle in the middle ear

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