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Q: What is the Lewis sturcture for boron?
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What is a Lewis sturcture?

carbon, hydrogen,oxygen,nitrogen

Lewis dot structure of boron?

the Lewis structure of B or Boron would have three small dots posing as electrons. These dots can be placed anywhere around the B symbol.

Why does boron trifluoride act as a Lewis acid?

Lewis Acid are able to accept electrons. Boron in Boron Trifluoride only contains 6 electrons, thus making it able to receive 2 more electrons to complete it's octet. Also, Boron is an exception that it is stable with a sixtet, which makes it BF3 a neutral molecule.

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How many covalent bonds does boron?

Boron is in group 3 and forms generally 3 covalent bonds. Because forming 3 bonds only gives boron a share of 6 electrons boron compounds are Lewis acids.

What is the formula for the compound boron chloride?

BCl3 is the formula for Boron Chloride. As a matter of interest it does not obey the octet rule. It is also called a Lewis Acid.

What is the Lewis dot structure for boron iodide?

This one can be a little trick because unlike most elements boron is happy with six electrons instead of eight. So boron would be connected to the iodines with three single bonds. I'm not too sure on how to type the lewis structure so it will look right, but i'm sure you can figure it out. Boron is the central atom surrounded by three iodines with single bonds, and remember boron only need six electrons. And this lewis structure has no resonance and makes a polar molecule with a shape of trigonal planar, with an angle of 120 degrees. Hope this helps!

Is BF3 likely to act as Lewis base?

In BF3, boron has an uncompleted octet where two more electrons can be obtained. Therefore it can act as a Lewis base.

Why does Lewis acid strength of boron trihalides decreases down the group in periodic table?

fiBACK BONDING is effective

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In boron haildes why BCl3 is weakest Lewis acid but BI3 is a strongest Lewis acid?

Boron is sp2 hybridised with an empty p orbital. Both chlorine and iodine have lone electron pairs of suitable symmetry to form a partial pi bond with the empty orbital of boron. This partial pi bond effect is stronger and more significant in BCl3 because there is a better energy match between the empty p of boron (LUMO) and the lone pairs of Cl (HOMO) than between boron p and the lone pairs of iodine. As a Lewis acid, boron takes an electron pair into its empty p orbital. In BCl3, the significant pi bond means that this p orbital is less electron deficient and therefore hinders the ability of the p orbital to accept an electron pair, so it is a weaker acid than BI3. Maybe consult a textbook or website for a picture to help you visualise Boron in sp2 hybridised state.

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