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* Physical file (PF) contains the data and have only one record format. Logical file (LF) is a view of the physical file which does not contain any data may be based on one physical file or more then one physical file. Logical file can have more then one record format. Logical can be non join or join logical file. Performance becomes better if you use the logical file in the program.

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12y ago

A physical hard disk is one actual disk mechanism.

A logical hard disk can be:

  • a partition of a physical hard disk (possibly the whole disk)
  • a collection of several physical hard disks appended via software to act as one very big disk
  • a RAID Stack of physical hard disks
  • a distributed network Cloud disk with different parts of it stored on disks on different computers scattered on a network (LAN, WAN, Intranet, internet, etc.)
  • etc.
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Q: What is the Logical drive and physical drive?
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physical memory is the actual sticks of memory that you put inside your computer. it is generally faster than logical memory. logical memory is similar to physical memory except imagine all the data on the memory chips on a file in your hard drive. it is usually much slower than physical memory, and it can even damage your hard drive if used in excess. (read/write times increase so the hard drive disk heads have to move faster/more often which puts more wear and tear on the hard drive)

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They are both life and logic theroy.

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It probably has a partition, which is a way of separating a physical drive into 2 or more logical drives. This is useful is you want to install 2 operating systems, or if you want your operating system on one drive and your data on the other.

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When you format a logical drive you prepare it for use.

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Another common name for a logical drive is a partition.

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What is another term for a hard drive?

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Can a single physical topology support multiple logical topology?

Yes, a physical topology can support multiple logical topologies.

What is difference between logical file and physical file?

* Physical file (PF) contains the data and have only one record format. Logical file (LF) is a view of the physical file which does not contain any data may be based on one physical file or more then one physical file. Logical file can have more then one record format. Logical can be non join or join logical file. Performance becomes better if you use the logical file in the program.

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token ring uses a physical star and a logical ring ,while FDDI uses a physical star/ring and a logical ring.

Can a single physical topology support multiple logical topologies give the reason?

Can a single physical topology support multiple logical topologies give a proper reason.