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Q: What is the MOV instruction of microcontroller PIC16F877A?
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Is pic16f877a microcontroller a 16bit microcontroller?

No, pic16f877A is powered by a 8 bits pic core. the 877A is an upgrade for the 877 version. same for the sister microcontroller pic16f876A and pic16f876. I ve been fan of this microcontroller for years. It is powerful and you can do a lot of thing with it. You can you can have it from www tmartis com together with many other stuff that you can purchase together. I always do my purchases from there. Have fun

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mov r1r2 is invalid instruction because of there is no communication with ALU in its operation;

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1byte instruction = MOV A,B 2byte instruction = MVI A,01H 3byte instruction = STA 2030H

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Mov tmod, #01h mov r0, #20 back:mov tl0,96 mov th0,60 setb tr0 again:jnb tf0, again clr tr0 clr tf0 djnz r0, back

What does this assembly code MOV FFE2?

Syntax error: incomplete instruction.

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Clr psw.3 clr psw.4 mov r1, 05h mov r0, #50h dcr r1 mov 10h, @r0 up: inc r0 mov a, @r0 cjne a, 10h dn ajmp dn: jnc next mov 10h,a next: djnz r1 up *:ajmp *

How do you find delay in microcontroller programs?

to count the no of instructions and delay which is given by programmer and loop instruction is multiplyed by the no of times loop is running. because the controller is specified. each controller is some limit in ATMEGA8515 MICROCONTROLLER IS EXECUTE 100000 MILLION INSTRUCTION PER SEC LIKE THAT WE CAN COUNT THE DELAY IN MICROCONTROLLER. BY SUNIL PATIDAR

When is the address in the instructional pointer updated?

This actually depends on the processor you are referencing; some processors update their IP (Instruction Pointer) before performing a command, and some perform it after the command. To find out if your processor is doing so before or after the command, use the instruction "mov ax,ip" in a debugger, and observe the value of ax. If ax contains the address of the mov instruction, it performs the update of IP after processing a command, while if it contains the address after the mov instruction, it performs the update before processing the command.

What is pipelining in pic microcontroller?

In PIC Microcontroller , During the Fatching of instruction no. 1it needs of one clock cycle, then after for the exicution of instruction no. 1 it reqires one extra clock cycle , but at the same time it fatches inst. no. 2 . Similarly, during the execution time of inst. no. 2 , it fatches inst. no. 3 and so on.In other words we can say that, PIC Microcontroller requires 2 clock cycle at starting the after it requires only one clock pulse. In this way we can say that instruction pipelining is done in PIC microcontroller.