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the advantage of proteomics is that the real functional molecules of the cell are being studied. Strong gene expression, resulting in an abundant mRNA, does not necessarily mean that the corresponding protein is also abundant or indeed active in the cell.

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Proteomics provides insight into the functional products of genes, allowing for a more direct understanding of cell processes and functions. It can reveal post-translational modifications, protein interactions, and protein levels that genomics alone cannot capture.

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Q: What is the Major advantage of proteomics over genomics?
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What is the history of bioinformatics?

Bioinformatics emerged in the 1970s with the increase in genetic and biological data. It involves the application of computer science and statistical techniques to analyze and interpret biological data. Over the years, bioinformatics has become essential in areas such as genomics, proteomics, and drug discovery.

What is the major advantage of the gram stain over the simple stain?

The major advantage of the gram stain over the simple stain is that it differentiates bacteria into two main groups based on cell wall composition (Gram-positive and Gram-negative). This provides important information about bacterial characteristics and helps in determining appropriate treatment strategies.

What is the major factor controlling the manner in which levers work?

The major factor controlling how levers work is the placement of the effort, load, and fulcrum. This determines whether a lever provides mechanical advantage (favoring force over distance) or distance advantage (favoring distance over force).

How has the field of genomics developed over the past 40 years?

The field of genomics has rapidly advanced over the past 40 years due to technological advancements such as high-throughput DNA sequencing. This has allowed for the sequencing of entire genomes, leading to breakthroughs in understanding genetic variation, gene regulation, and disease mechanisms. The field continues to evolve with the integration of big data analytics and personalized medicine approaches.

How does the theory of evolution account for a new species?

A new species can arise through the process of speciation, where a population becomes reproductively isolated and diverges from its ancestral species over time due to factors like genetic mutations, natural selection, and geographic isolation. This can lead to the accumulation of enough genetic differences for the new population to be classified as a separate species.

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