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i beleve it is 12 volts

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Q: What is the Maximum output of solar cell in voltage?
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What is output short circuit current?

The output short circuit current is the solar cell's current when the voltage is zero, or when it, is short circuited.

How does the output voltage of a solar cell depend on thearea of the solar cell exposed to the light?

because the out put voltage of a solar cell is directly proportional to the area of the solar cell exposed to sun light. Testing your solar cell with the application of shading will cause a loss of power and lower voltage and current at the peak power point, However, if you are measuring open circuit voltage only, and this is only one cell, not a collection of solar cells making up one solar panel, the open circuit voltage will stay almost the same until full shade is applied. I would need more information on the solar cells such as are there many in one panel that you are testing or just one solar cell. Is it an array you are testing or just one panel? I will assume it is one panel since you said "solar cells". This means the first statement I made holds in that the open circuit voltage will change very little with the application of shade. A better test is to measure the short circuit current flow. Short the output leads together and measure the maximum current yo can get in full sun light. Now apply your shading and continue measuring the current. Make up a table Shade---------------------Current Measured 0%--------------------------2 amps 10%------------------------1.8 amps . . . 80%-----------------------0.4 amps Now repeat the measurements only this time open circuit the solar cells, no load of any kind, just the voltmeter. Shade-----------------------Volts 0%---------------------------35 volts 10%-------------------------35 volts 50%------------------ To complete the testing use a variable resistor and a watt meter. Make a table recording the the shading and maximum power you could develop and the voltage across the resistor. For instance, in full sun light, adjust the resistance until you get the peak or maximum power reading on your watt meter.

In solar battery charger is it more efficient time to set the solar cell in series or parallel For example if you have 2 of 1.5 V 2500mAh batteries and 5 8V 44 mAh solar cells?

For a very simple circuit, using only the solar cells and batteries and possibly a DC/DC converter to keep the voltage at safe levels for the batteries, placing the solar cells in parallel will yield higher current and shorten the charging time of the batteries. In the example you used by placing the five solar cells in parallel you obtain a theoretical maximum current of 220 mAh. This would bring the charging time to 2500/220 or 11.36 hours. This calculation assumes that for the full duration of charging the current is kept constant at 220 mAh.

What is meant by floating voltage source in the DC voltage system?

In battery technology, Float voltage is the constant voltage that is applied continuously to a voltaic cell under float operation. The voltage could be held constant for the entire duration of the cell's operation (such as in the SLI battery) or could be held for a particular phase of charging by the charger.

How do you we make solar electronic bell?

firstly you will need a solar cell 3V to power your electronic bell .after that you can make a 5Khz sine wave geneartor and connect it to solar cell and you should also use a timing and control circuit to cuttoff the bell after some time and when any one press the switch circuit energies and take the power from solar cell and alarm will start.

Related questions

Does the area of a solar cell effect the voltage output?

It does :)

What is open post voltage?

The open post voltage in electronics is the maximum voltage available from a solar cell. This will occur at zero current.

What is output short circuit current?

The output short circuit current is the solar cell's current when the voltage is zero, or when it, is short circuited.

How do you use amp volt meter on solar panels?

The meter is used the same as how the voltage is checked on any equipment. Select the correct voltage range (AC or DC) DC for solar collector and connect the leads to the output. The voltage that you read will be the output of the cell at that particular time.

A source of DC voltage that converts light to voltage is a?

that is called solar cell which converts light(photons) to D.C voltage .the amplitude of voltage depend on how many solar cell are you joined in seies a solar cell normally produce 0.6-0.7 V D.C

What is the maximum charging voltage for a 12-voltage gel cell battery?

15.5 volts maximum.

How does the output voltage of a solar cell depend on thearea of the solar cell exposed to the light?

because the out put voltage of a solar cell is directly proportional to the area of the solar cell exposed to sun light. Testing your solar cell with the application of shading will cause a loss of power and lower voltage and current at the peak power point, However, if you are measuring open circuit voltage only, and this is only one cell, not a collection of solar cells making up one solar panel, the open circuit voltage will stay almost the same until full shade is applied. I would need more information on the solar cells such as are there many in one panel that you are testing or just one solar cell. Is it an array you are testing or just one panel? I will assume it is one panel since you said "solar cells". This means the first statement I made holds in that the open circuit voltage will change very little with the application of shade. A better test is to measure the short circuit current flow. Short the output leads together and measure the maximum current yo can get in full sun light. Now apply your shading and continue measuring the current. Make up a table Shade---------------------Current Measured 0%--------------------------2 amps 10%------------------------1.8 amps . . . 80%-----------------------0.4 amps Now repeat the measurements only this time open circuit the solar cells, no load of any kind, just the voltmeter. Shade-----------------------Volts 0%---------------------------35 volts 10%-------------------------35 volts 50%------------------ To complete the testing use a variable resistor and a watt meter. Make a table recording the the shading and maximum power you could develop and the voltage across the resistor. For instance, in full sun light, adjust the resistance until you get the peak or maximum power reading on your watt meter.

What is the input and output of a load cell?

The input of a load cell is the force or weight applied to it. The output of a load cell is an electrical signal, typically in the form of voltage or current, that is proportional to the applied force or weight.

How can you improve the voltage of a sollar cell?

Wiring two solar cells in series produces an output voltage that is the sum of their individual voltages. For a single cell, your options for maximizing its output voltage are: -- Keep all dust and other stuff off of the glass. -- Orient the cell so that the sun hits it perpendicularly. -- Use the cell where there are no clouds. -- Use the cell where there is no particulate 'pollution' in the air. -- Use the cell as close to solar Noon as possible. -- In the US, use the cell as close to June 21 as possible. -- Take the cell to the top of a hill or mountain, the higher the better. -- Take the cell to space, outside the atmosphere. -- If you're operating the cell with artificial light, simply make the light as bright as possible, and position the cell as close to it as possible. (Note: This works, but you'll always spend more for the electricity to operate the artificial light than what you'll get back for free from the solar cell.) -- Load the cell lightly. As you take more current from it, its voltage decreases.

Is it possible to find out how much voltage is stored in a solar cell?

Solar cells produce electricity rather than store voltage. The voltage produced by a solar cell depends on factors like sunlight intensity and cell characteristics. You can measure the voltage generated by a solar cell using a multimeter or similar device.

How many watt does a Solar cell output?

Solar cells are available in sizes (power outputs) ranging from a few milliwatts to kilowatts and more. It's all about size (the area and number of the cells) and a few other factors. Arrays of solar cells that some call solar panels will deliver energy in a range dependent on the wiring and size of the array, the attitude of the mount, and the geographic location and weather in the area in which it is erected. Just think it through and it will become apparent. Probably the most critical factor as regards the power output of the unit or assembly is termed the maximum power point. Power out is determined by current times volts. At some "happy medium" between maximum current and maximum voltage (neither of which is the "best" point of operation) is that magic combination of volts and amps that result in the solar cell delivering maximum power ( with other factors optimized, of course). It's the electronics support circuitry that controls the point of best operation. Start reading and come up to speed on this amazing principal of power generation. Begin with the link provided. One thing to note is that efficiency of a panel is also taken into consideration are you using a Serengeti with a 13% solar cell efficiency or SPR 225 with an 18%. The efficiency effects the amount a solar cell will output.

What is the recommended maximum charging voltage for a 12 volt gel cell battery?

15.5 volts maximum.