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It is called Tonsillectomy, and it wasn't invented in Mexico: the procedure is first mentioned in "Hindu medicine" at about 1000 BC.

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Q: What is the Mexican treatment called breaking tonsils to cure tonsilitis?
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What is the treatment called breaking tonsils?

The treatment that is typically called breaking tonsils is the treatment medically named Peritonsillar Abscess. This is when a stones are removed from the tonsils.

What does tonsilitis look like?

The tonsils go all swollen and the tonsils also get white Stuff on them

How do you spell tonserlitus?

The medical condition is spelled "tonsilitis" (swelling of the tonsils), or, in UK English, "tonsillitis".

What happened if you always get toncil?

If you always get tonsilitis and it becomes something you would not rather have then you can choose to have your tonsils removed to stop future infection.

What is the definition for tonsilitis?

An inflammamion of the tonsils due to a virus or bacterial infection. Antibiotics are usually prescribed for bacteria. If it is a virus, this will normally go away by itself. Tonsils are not usually removed unless there are recurrent problems.

Does circumcision cause tonsils?

No. circumcision is the removal of foreskin from the penis, which is in a completely different part of the body than the tonsils, which are located in the throat. Every human being has tonsils, which is a natural part of the human body so it is TONSILITIS that I believe is being referred to here, which is an inflammation of the tonsils and no, removing the foreskin of the penis does not cause tonsil issues of any kind.

What is the answer to why shouldn't you let a doctor put one of those wooden sticks in your mouth?

doctors are just cheking if there is redness in the tonsils or the so called tonsilitis

The suffix itis means?

As I understand it the suffix "-itis" is used when regarding an inflammation. * Tonsilitis: an inflammation of the tonsils * Laryngitis: an inflammation of the larynx * Bronchitis: an inflammation of the bronchus

Build a medical term for inflammation of tonsils?

Rhinopharyngitis or nasopharyngitis means inflammation of the nose and throat. Naso for the nose, pharyngo for the throat and itis means inflammation of.RhinitisRhin-(o) meaning nose and -itis meaning inflammation ofthe medical term for infection of nose and throat is; nasopharyngitisnaso for the nose, pharyngo for the throat and itis means inflammation of

Can a 4 month old baby get tonsilitis?

Kinda, tonsilitis is an bacterial infection. Tonsilitis like many other respiratory infections will occur alongside a viral infection like the flu or common cold. The bacterial infection may be contagous, but it is unlikely a infant will be able to develop the infection since their tonsils are not mature enough. That being said they can catch the flu or cold from you, which they already have been exposed to even before you showed symptoms.

Can you get your tonsils taken out more then once?

Yes, it can recur many times as it is an inflammation most commonly caused by the strep bacteria. Certain individuals seem to be more susceptible to recurrences. You can only get tonsillitis twice if the first time you have it, it is not serious enough to get them removed. you can get tonsilitis numerous times. Tonsilitis simply means "inflammation of the tonsils". Numerous bacteria and viruses (as well as mechanical aggrevators, for example, a scratch from unchewed food), can cause tonsilitis. Tonsillitis is a throat infection. The tonsils become covered in a white, cream or grey puss like matter. It becomes difficult to swallow liquid and food. IT IS CONTAGIOUS! Mainly children and Young people get it and it is a condition that you grow out of. Doctors these days will seldom take the tonsils out because after they have been removed throat infections can be just as common as before. You can repeatedly get it for years ( i have ) and generally a dose of penicillin will fix it. Usually the best idea is to get it in an injection as it's fast acting. Lots of bed rest helps too.

How can you cure tonsilltis?

Bacterial tonsilitis (caused frequently by streptococcus pyogenes: strep throat) can be easily treated with antibiotics if the strain is not antibiotic-resistant. Viral tonsilitis (caused by adenovirus, etc.: common cold sore throat) usually do not need treatment however antivirals can be used in extreme cases. For symptom management, lozenges and NSAIDs (acetylsalicylic acid, ibuprofen, acetaminophen) can be used to reduce inflammation and pain. If the symptoms persist or worsen even with treatment, the most effective cure is a tonsillectomy (complete surgical removal of the tonsils to no apparent ill effect).