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Q: What is the Music sharp symbol on keyboard shortcuts?
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What does sharp mean in music on the keyboard?

To make a note sharp is to bring it one halfstep UP on the piano. Ex: F becomes F# or Gb (Supposed to be a flat symbol) Any other questions?

What is the symbol for a sharp in music?

A slanted Hash.. Dont have a hash on my keyboard so can't show you :p

What is the flat symbol in music?

Looks like a small elongated letter b. If at the begining of a song, right after the staff, it means all of those designated notes are flats. If after just one note in a song, it means only that note is a flat.

The sheet music for beat it on keyboard?

i don't know any website but i can tell you the notes for the intro for beat it E sharp f sharp a sharp (higher ) f sharp (higher) e sharp (higher) e sharp (higher ) f (higher) e sharp (higher) d sharp i hope that helps

What is the musical term for short and sharp?

In Music, a sharp is a symbol indicating the note is to be raised by one semitone. for example: A-sharp (A#) is the note one semitone (or one half-step) above A.

What is the homophone for a-sharp?

The homophone for A-sharp is B-flat. In music theory, A-sharp and B-flat are enharmonic equivalents, meaning they are two different ways of notating the same pitch on a musical staff.

What is The black key to the right of the A on this keyboard can be called A sharp or B?

Directly to the right of A is A-sharp/B-flat.

The black key to the right of the A on this keyboard can be called A sharp or B .?

Directly to the right of A is A-sharp/B-flat.

What does a A sharp symbol look like?


What is the sharp sign used for in music?

A sharp in music raises a note by one half-step.

What symbol is used to represent sharp?

The "#" symbol. (shift key + 3)

What raises a musical note?

The sharp symbol (#)