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Q: What is the Natural form of diamonds?
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Why are lab made diamonds not a mineral?

By definition a mineral must form by natural processes. Lab made diamonds are not natural.

Person who work in diamonds?

Diamonds are a natural occurring crystal form of carbon. They can be artificially made.

Is graphite man made or natural?

Graphite is natural. It is another form of carbon, just as diamonds are another form of carbon.

What is the rarest form of diamond?

Several types of diamonds are rare, less than .1% of all natural diamonds. They are each described in the link, below.

What advantages are there making diamonds in US?

Natural diamonds are a rare natural resource. Manufactured diamonds can be priced much lower than natural diamonds, and can be produced in a matter of days, not hundreds of thousands of years, which is required to form natural diamonds. The advantage may be to the consumer in being able to pay much less for a glorious diamond. (Be aware that manufactured diamonds are always detectable as manufactured, and should be accompanied by a certificate stating the origin of the stone.) In addition, any manufacturing adds jobs to any economy. You can read more about manufacturing gem diamonds, below.

What are some natural resources in diamonds?

Diamonds, per se, can be considered natural resources.

How do natural diamonds appear?

You can review the link, below, to look at images of natural diamonds.

Are natural diamonds minerals?

Yes, a natural diamond is mineral. Diamonds are formed from carbon.

Are natural diamonds a mineral?

Yes, a natural diamond is mineral. Diamonds are formed from carbon.

What are natural diamonds?

Natural diamonds are stones recovered from the area around volcanic pipes where diamonds erupt from below the earth's mantle.

Are chocolate diamonds natural or manufactured?

'Chocolate diamonds' are named thus because this shade of brown diamond is the colour of chocolate. Some brown diamonds are natural diamonds; some brown diamonds are manufactured diamonds. A gemologist will help you determine the source of your brown diamond. Manufactured diamonds are always less expensive than natural diamonds with similar characteristics.

What is the name of the rock that diamond are made from?

Diamonds are made from carbon, and are called rocks sometimes in their raw, natural form.