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Q: What is the Pad of cartilage between each backbone?
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What is the soft pad found at the end of each bone?


What is the cartilage pad found in the knee joint?

Articular cartilage.

What occurs when the cartilage disc between two vertebrae breaks and the pad inside slips out?

you have a lot of pain in your back

What is the pad in the vertebrae that allows limited movement?


What is the name of the body that is a pad between bones?

Cartilage keeps bones from rubbing together and provides a smooth surface for movement at the joints

What is the flexible connective tissue at joints?

This connective tissue are called ligaments. Ligaments connect bones to bones while tendons connect muscles to bones. They are exactly the same tissue but terminology makes the names different.

What is a silence pad?

Directions for using a Silence Pad: Place the silence pad on the bare table, if utilized. Unfold and smooth out wrinkles. The pad should drop approximately 3 inches between each chair. Purpose of using silence pad: To prevent noise as tableware is placed on table. To protect the top of the table. To improve the appearance of the tablecloth.

Why are there discs of cartilage in our backbones?

The cartilage discs are the intervertebral discs. These are present to help cushion the bones to prevent the bones grinding into each other (which would cause severe arthritis by the age of 30 if there were no discs). Also, the discs help keep the spine flexible, so you can bend, turn and twist throughout the neck and torso.

What invertebrates has a fleshy pad for movement?

A slug has no backbone i thinkFrogappleSlug and snails but I'm not sure what its technical term is

What type of joint is located in the wrist and backbone?

ball and socket

What happens when there is not enough cartilage to pad joints?

This does happen to many people and they suffer a lot of pain. The bones then rub against each other every time the joint is moved.

What is a brake pad?

A brake pad is the friction surface, replaced as it wears, between the caliper and the rotor.