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you have a lot of pain in your back

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Q: What occurs when the cartilage disc between two vertebrae breaks and the pad inside slips out?
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Related questions

Which disease damages cartilage inside joints?

Arthritis is what you are looking for.

Where is hyaline cartilage found in body?

Inside the joint capsules.

Where is hyaline cartilage found in the body?

Inside the joint capsules.

What is the tissue that provides smooth surface in joints?

Joints may be synovial (with a cavity) or fibrous. Synovial joints are filled with synovial fluid. Fibrous joints lack this. Fibrous joints are found in between the vertebrae. Cartilage in is both joints. This can be hylaine or fibrocartilage. Both regenerate. The synovial fluid is rather slippery and allows easy movement in those joints. If this joint is suddenly and rapidly pulled, the fluid doesn't fill quickly and a "snapping" sound is heard.

Is your ear bone or cartilage?

The human ear (the bit that sticks out of the side of your head) is made of cartilage. However, inside the ear (in the middle hear behind the eardrum) there are 3 bones (the stirrup, the hammer and the anvil) made of bone.

What does every endoskeleton have?

Are made of hard material ( bones and cartilage ) that are inside the body.

What are the functions of chondroblasts?

To produce cartilage needed for bone growth

Does the spinal cord have a backbone?

The spinal cord is a bundle of nerve fibers which is inside of the vertebrae (backbones).

What causes narrowing of the medial compartment?

Usually it means that the cartilage on the inside of the knee is flattened.

What are the advantages of articular cartilage not being ossified?

The articular cartilage is a covering that is found at the ends of articulating bones inside a joint. Having nerves in that are can be painful when movement is made.

What happens inside a prism?

It breaks up into colors

What is a cartilage in the human body?

Cartilage is a precursor to bone in developing fetuses and any cartilage left over after birth (ie in ears and nose) is to provide structure and shape to something. Without ear cartilage, the ear might be floppy and not work to catch sound waves. Cartilage can also help to protect joints by providing a cartilage cushion between two bones in a joint. Your knee is a good example of this - cartilage inside the knee absorbs impact whenever your foot hits the ground and prevents wear and tear on the bones of the knee joint.