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Q: What is the Panthers sleep cycle like?
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Do panthers sleep in trees?

Yes, sometimes panthers do sleep in the trees. The animal also sleeps in the tall brush on the ground. They like to blend in to hide from their predators.

How long does a panther sleep?

Black panthers are the melanistic color variant of the jaguar (Panthera onca) in the Americas, and the leopard (Panthera pardus) in Africa and Asia. The jaguar is crepuscular, meaning that they are active during the twilight hours of dusk and dawn, basically sleeping in 'split shifts'. Leopards are primarily nocturnal, meaning that they sleep during the daytime hours, but activity patterns may vary by season.

What are black panthers life cycle?

a black bear baby, cub,sow and a boar that its life cycle

What cycle of sleep are you in when you sleep walk?


I sleep In class but I am wide awake at the night.what to do flip the cycle.please help?

The best way to change a sleep cycle is to force yourself to sleep by taking a natural sleep aid like melatonin.

What is sleep apathy?

Sleep apnea is a serious sleep disorder that occurs when a person's cycle of breathing is interrupted during sleep. Untreated sleep apnea can disrupt the sleep cycle hundreds of times a night.

What does it mean by sleep cycle?

The sleep cycle means how human sleeps and at what time. For example if everyday I wake up at 7 in the morning, then take a nap at 12 at noon and go to sleep at 11 at night that is called sleep cycle.

In which stage of sleep do you dream?

REM or Rapid Eye Movement. You sleep in cycles, moving from lighter to deeper sleep and back. A sleep cycle lasts about 90 minutes, with REM occurring toward the end of each cycle. The REM stage gets a little longer in each cycle; you may only dream for a few seconds in the first sleep cycle, and for a large percentage of the last cycle of the night.

Does panthers have internal fertilization?

Yes, Panthers are mammals. Just like humans.

What happens if you sleep too much?

you will mess up your sleep cycle

Why do males get erected in the morning?

It's part of the sleep cycle, like eyes moving while you're dreaming.

Do nrem and rem sleep alternate through most of the sleep cycle?
