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Q: What is the Percentage of black women who voted for trump?
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What percentage of eligible voters actually voted in the referenda of 1898 and 1899?

Percentage was very small as only those male eligble voters were entitled to vote, and they had to be British Citizens. ---- The above answer is not strictly correct. Because women had already gained the right to vote in South Australia, they also voted to elect convention delegates in 1897 and they voted in the two rounds of referendums. In the 1900 Western Australian referendum, women also voted. However, women were not entitled to vote in NSW, Victoria, Queensland and Tasmania.

What percentage of white men like black women?

There is no definitive percentage, however many white men find black women attractive but are often at odds with family or friends due to social stigma.

What percentage of the voting public was represented by women in the last presidential election?

In the 2012 presidential election, about 54% of the voters were women. Almost 10 million more women voted than men. In the 2014 elections, about 52% of the voters were women.

In the passage what does Susan B. Anthony do to appeal to an audience that voted to abolish slavery?

She makes a connection between women's suffrage and the struggles of black people

in the passage what does susan b anthony do to appeal to an audience that voted to abolish slavery?

She makes a connection between women's suffrage and the struggles of black people

What is rate of percentage of women black doctors to men doctors after world war 2?

1000 to 1

What percentage of women voted in the 2010 UK general election?

According to Ipsos-MORI, female voter turnout at the 2010 election was 64% - slightly below the 66% among men.

What percentage of women dye their hair black?

Not all people have black hair interesting fact toy an average of maybe 90 percent of people

What new goup voted in the presidential election of 1920?


First year women voted?

August 18, 1920

When could women in Scotland vote?

The first Scottish women voted in municipal elections in 1907.

In what year in the rise of rome could women vote?

women never voted in ancient Rome.