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Q: What is the Peripheral beginning of a sensory neurons dendrite?
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Related questions

What are two parts of the peripheral nervous system?

sensory neurons and motor neurons

What system comprises the sensory and motor neurons?

The peripheral nervous system comprises the sensory and motor neurons.

What types of neurons make up the peripheral nervous system?

Sensory and Motor neurons

Does the dendrite come first or does the axon come first?

The dendrite. It receives signals, either from sensory receptors or from other neurons, and then passes that signal eventually to axons.

What is located on the peripheral ends of sensory neurons?

A garabage disposal full of babies.

Neurons are part of the peripheral nervous system?

Sensory neuron and motor neuron.

Sensory neurons transmit signals to the?


What are neurons called that detect stimuli in the skin and eye?

sensory neurons

Example of unipolar neurons?

They are neurons with only one neurite. A neurite refers to any projection from the cell body, such as an axon or a dendrite!

What is the location for sensory neurons?

They can be found in the dorsal root ganglia, retina, peripheral vestibular organs, cochlea, and enteric nervous system. Then there are second order sensory neurons in the brain that form the basis of the 'sensory homonculus'.

Why sensory neurons are called as afferent neurons?

The reason why Sensory neurons are called as afferent neurons is:_ Afferent Neurons mean the neurons carries the nerve impulse toward the brain (CNS) or the spinal cord (PNS)._ Sensory which always begins from the outside spaces, or peripheral places outside from CNS or PNS, need to be carried to CNS or PNS to analyze.That's the reason why they called sensory neurons as afferent neurons which bring sensor toward the brain or spinal cord and it's exactly the way where sensory goes

What are the two divisions of CNS?

The sympathetic and the parasympathetic divisions.