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Senhor - Mister

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Q: What is the Portuguese translation of the English word 'mister'?
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voce sabe portuguesThe Portuguese translation for the English word renditionis rendição.

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If you mean the Spanish word vacío (not bacio) then the English translation is "empty." If you mean the Italian word bacio, then the English translation is "kiss." If you mean the Portuguese word bacio, then the English translation is "potty".

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The English translation of the Portuguese phrase "revista época" is "time magazine."

What is the Portuguese translation of 'son'?

The Portuguese equivalent of the English word 'son' is the following: o filho. The Portuguese pronunciation is the following: oo FEE-lyoo. The word-by-word translation is the following: 'o' means 'the'; 'filho' 'son'.

What is 'Sr' when translated from Portuguese to English?

"Mister" and "Mr." are English equivalents of the Portuguese word Sr. The masculine singular abbreviation stands for Senhor, whose literal translations also include "gentleman" and "Sir." The pronunciation will be "see-NYOR" in Cariocan Brazilian and in continental Portuguese.

How do you say 'down' in Portuguese?

The Portuguese equivalent of the English word 'down' is the following: para baixo. The Portuguese pronunciation is the following: PAH-ruh BEYE*-shoo. The word-by-word translation is the following: 'para' 'for'; 'baixo' 'low [elevation]'. A smoother, less literal translation is the English word 'downwards'. *The sound is similar to the 'ow' in the English word 'how'.

What is the English translation of the words bate papo?

The English translation of the word Bate-Papo is 'to chat'. Bate-Papo comes from the Portuguese language. Portuguese is the main language of the Country of Portugal.

Portuguese word preocupado meaning for it in English?

the best translation for 'preocupado' is worried.

What is the Portuguese word for cowboy?

There is no translation, you can use the English word without worries, ans also use the portuguese world, "peão" but it has many meanings

What is the official way to say 'grandma' in Portuguese?

The officlal, formal Portuguese equivalent of the English word 'grandma' is the following: a avó. The Portuguese pronunciation is the following: ah ah-VAW. The word-by-word translation is the following: 'a' means 'the'; 'avó' 'grandmother'. The Portuguese equivalent of the English word 'grandfather' is the following: o avô. The Portuguese pronunciation is the following: oo ah-VOH. The word-by-word translation is the following: 'o' means 'the'; 'avô' 'grandfather'.

What is the Portuguese word for 'and'?

The translation for 'AND' in Portuguese is 'e'