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The deltoid tuberosity.

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Q: What is the Raised area on the lateral surface of humerus to which deltoid muscles belong?
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What are the large rough elevations on the lateral surface of the shaft of the humerus called?

The deltoid tuberosity is the rough elevation on the lateral surface of the shaft of the humerus. It's the site of deltoid attachment.

Raised areas on lateral surface of humerus to which deltoid muscle attaches?

Deltoid Tuberosity

What is the raised area on the lateral surface of the humerus to which the deltoid muscle attaches called?

deltoid tuberosity

What is the raised area on the lateral surface of the humerus to which the deltoid muscle attaches?

Though usually described as a single insertion, the deltoid insertion is divided into two or three areas. Insertion is on the deltoid tuberosity on the middle of the lateral aspect of the shaft of the humerus

Where is the deltoid muscle found?

Deltoid tuberosity, a little prominence found midway on the lateral surface of the humerus. Right?

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Deltoid Tuberosity

What is a raised area on the lateral surface of the humerous to which the deltoid muscle attaches?

Deltoid tuberosity

Select the correct origins of the triceps brachii:?

Infraglenoid tubercule of scapula, posterior surface of humerus, superior lateral margin of humerus

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Intramuscular (IM) injections are typically given in one of three muscles. These muscles are the vastus lateralis, or thigh muscle, the ventrogluteal, or hip muscle, and the deltoid, or upper arm muscle.

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A condyle is a general term for a smooth round articular surface on a bone. An epicondyle is a projection above a condyle.

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The trochlea of the humerus is where your ulna joins with your humerus to create your elbow.