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Q: What is the Rh factor found on?
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What is the Rh blood group named after?

I think Rh is not a blood group. Rh stands for a factor and derived its name from factor found in the blood of Rhesus monkey.

What is Rh positive and Rh negative mean?

Rh factor is a protein that is found in the blood of about 85% of the population. Those who have the factor are Rh positive, while those who don't, are Rh negative. A person who is Rh negative can safely donate blood to persons with or without the protein. A person who is Rh positive can only donate to those who are Rh positive.

Rh positive mother a positive baby?

If a person has the Rh factor, then they are positive. If they don't have the Rh factor, they are negative. The Rh factor is dominant, so a mother with it would have an Rh positive baby even if the father is negative for the Rh factor.

Do only women have to be concerned with the Rh factor?

No, both men and women should be concerned with the Rh factor. The Rh factor is a protein found on red blood cells, and it can cause complications during pregnancy if a woman is Rh-negative and her partner is Rh-positive. It is important for both partners to be aware of their Rh status to prevent such complications.

How does the RH factor affect a woman who is pregnant?

The Rh factor is a protein found in red blood cells. Most people are Rh positive, but if a woman is pregnant and Rh negative, this could definitely affect her fetus causing brain damage, or even death in the fetus or newborn.

What are Rh Factor?

Rh factor is a blood protein. About 84% of the population is Rh positive, meaning only 16% of the general population is lacking Rh factor (RH negative).

What is Rh?

Rhesus (Rh) factor is an inherited protein found on the surface of red blood cells. If your blood has the protein, you're Rh positive. If your blood lacks the protein, you're Rh negative. Rh positive is the most common blood type.

Where did RH factor get its name?

The rh blood factor was first observed in Rhesus monkeys

Having which protein in blood we called RH factor is positive?

Having the Rh antigen protein in blood makes you RH factor positive.

How the Rh factor can be a problem between a man and women who would like to have children?

The Rh factor can be a problem when a woman is pregnant and does NOT have the Rh factor (negative) and her unborn baby does have the Rh factor (positive). Her body will have antibodies against the Rh protein found on the baby's blood cells and will seek to destroy it. This occurs when the baby's father is Rh positive. This situation creates the situation where the baby could also be Rh positive. The symptoms of problems in the baby include swelling, jaundice, fluid in the lungs, heart or abdomen and an enlarged liver or spleen. See the source article for more information.

Is the phenotype which determine RH?

Genotype determines the rh phenotype. The two alleles for rh factor are rh+ (rh positive) and rh- (rh negative). The rh+ allele is dominant.

What blood factors make a b negative?

RH factor in blood types stands for "Rhesus Factor". Blood tests were performed on Rhesus monkeys and the Rh+ and Rh- factors were isolated. An antigen found in the red blood cells of most people: those who have Rh factor are said to be Rh positive (Rh+), while those who do not are Rh negative (Rh-). What about the meaning of RHD- Rh blood group, D antigen . The rhesus complex is not just one antigen, but several, when someone is told to be Rh+, it usually refers to the D antigen (one of the components of the Rh complex), because it's the most common, and the easiest to identify, however it's not the only one.