

What is the SAT 2?

Updated: 12/14/2022
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15y ago

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SAT II's are also known as SAT Subject Tests. These tests are standardized (just like the SAT Reasoning Test), but they only focus on one subject (for instance, physics). Many colleges require students to take SAT II tests.

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Most Universities require the SAT and the highest math that the SAT goes up to is algebra 2, so if you want to do well on the SAT and get a good score in the math section you will need to take an Algebra 2 course.

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With the addition of a Writing section on the SAT-1, only 4 colleges still require 3 SAT-2 exams: Harvard, Princeton, Yale, and Georgetown. All other colleges that require the SAT-2 have reduced the requirement to two. Many colleges will accept the ACT in lieu of the SAT-2. It's best to check each college's website for the most updated info and requirements.

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(2) Sat-In.

What does SAT 2 test?

The SAT II tests your knowledge of a particular subject. There are many different SAT II (a.k.a the SAT subject test) tests. It is suggested that you take the test in a subject that you have taken an AP or Honors course in or know a lot about.

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1 sat com(includes your team mates) shows everyone in its line of sight. 2 sat coms are like the uav from black ops 2. 3 sat coms are a fater sweeping uav. 4 sat coms(very difficult to get 4 on the map at the same time) show enemies as triangles showing direction much like the orbital v-sat BO2 or the black bird MW3

Where can I find mock SAT tests?

You can find allot of free sat prep tests on line at these links:

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According to Matthew 28:2-3, an "angel of the Lord" sat on the rolled away stone of Jesus' tomb.