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Any kind of head injury could result in seizure activity. However there are many factors, such as the nature and severity of the head injury, which have to be taken into account, making this a difficult question to answer in detail. It is a case by case basis.

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Q: What is the Significance of the cerebral trauma to the onset of seizure activity?
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Can a puppy have cerebral palsy?

Yes. Most Cerebral Palsy is caused due to trauma or lack of oxygen to the brain during a difficult delivery. Any creature that is born can have Cerebral Palsy.

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Cerebral palsy (CP)

What causes seizures in kids?

There are several reasons why a seizure will occur, The most comman reason if not epileptic, is a high fever. Also if a trauma to the head or a lesion on the brain can cause a seizure

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ph of normal CSF is 7.28 - 7.32. This is decreased in -severe SAH and cerebral haemorrhage -head trauma -cerebral infarction -purulent meningitis -status epilepticus -brain metastases

Why trauma to the base of the is often much more dangerous than trauma to the frontal lobes relative functioning of the cerebral hemispheres and the brain stem structures?

Because your breathing centers are located at the base of the skull. Any swelling here will lead to death

What are nosebleeds a sign of?

In extreme cases, nosebleeds can indicate head trauma. This depends on whether the blood has traces of a runny, pale substance. This is cerebral fluid leaking from the brain.

What causes simple partial seizures?

A seizure is caused by a disruption of electrical activity in the brain. There are a variety of causes for this, so it is not a simple question to answer. Different people have different causes for their seizures.

What is cerebral edema?

Cerebral edema is basically a swelling of the brain, which increases pressure within the skull. This can be the result of a closed-head trauma, or an infection of the brain or brain stem. Not to be confused with a hematoma, which also exerts pressure on the brain due to intracranial bleeding.

What is a cerebral edema?

Cerebral edema is basically a swelling of the brain, which increases pressure within the skull. This can be the result of a closed-head trauma, or an infection of the brain or brain stem. Not to be confused with a hematoma, which also exerts pressure on the brain due to intracranial bleeding.

How would you define brain death?

When no brain activity is being recorded by an EEG or when the amount of trauma makes it obvious.

Can seizures cause paralysis in dogs?

AnswerSeizures are fairly common in infants. They can be caused by trauma at delivery, lack of oxygen, infections or many congenital and acquired conditions. Paralysis after a seizure is not unusual, but it usually only lasts a short time. How long has she had the paralysis? The important thing at this time is to find out what caused the seizures and treat the cause.causes and symptoms A seizure is an episode of abnormal electrical activity in a particular part of the brain. There are many kinds of, and they may affect any specific part of the brain, or may spread to affect a wider distribution of the brain. The behavior of an individual suffering from a seizure may range from a simple, brief staring episode to complete loss of consciousness, with jerking of the muscles. The aftermath of a seizure is referred to as the postictal state. During the postictal period, although the seizure itself has ended, the brain is still recovering from the abnormal electrical discharges that the seizure activity. During this time period, the individual may be, less responsive than normal, or confused. Todd's paralysis is thought to occur due to depressed activity in the area of the brain that underwent the seizure. The symptoms of Todd's paralysis depend on the area of the brain where the seizure took place. For example, if the seizure occurred in the motor cortex (that part of the brain responsible for purposeful movement of the muscles), Todd's paralysis may result in hemiparesis, an inability to move the muscles of one-half of the body. Because the (the lower back part of the brain) is responsible for vision, an occipital lobe seizure may result in visual change or outright blindness during the postictal phase. In fact, tracking the specific symptoms of Todd's paralysis may actually help the physician diagnose the specific area of the brain in which an individual's seizures are occurring.