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Canaan, as referred to throughout The Bible, is a piece of land roughly the same as the British Mandate of Palestine, perhaps shifted a small bit northeast (as the southern deserts of the Mandate were not settled in the Ancient Period).

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Q: What is the Size of the land of Canaan in the book of Joshua?
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What book is named for a military leader who led the israelites into the promise land?

The book of Yehoshua (Joshua), which speaks of the conquest of the land of Canaan by the Jewish people.

Who led the isralites into the land of canaan?

Joshua. Moses was supposed to, but the people balked because a lack of faith. After Moses death, Joshua led the people into the promised land. Read more in the book of Joshua.

Who is Joshua in The Bible?

As the Israelites left Egypt on their exodus, Joshua was one of the twelve spies sent by Moses to reconnoiter the land of Canaan. Joshua and Caleb were the only two who had confidence that God would give Israel the land of Canaan despite its formidable inhabitants. Because of their faith God allowed Joshua and Caleb to enter the promised land, but he vowed that the others of Joshua's generation would die in the wilderness. God instructed Moses to designate Joshua as his successor. Joshua led the Israelites into the promised land. The book of Joshua recounts his victories at Jericho, Ai, and other places.

What system did Joshua use to divide the land of Canaan?

He used lots (Numbers ch.26).

Who brought The Law back to the Canaan region?

The Israelites brought their Torah wherever they went, including into Canaan (under Joshua), which they renamed the Land of Israel.

What was the time span of the book of Joshua?

In the Bible, Joshua lived around the end of thefifteenth centuury BCE. However, over 80 per cent of scholars are reported to believe that the military conquest of Canaan never happened as described in the Bible. This means that Joshua never lived.

How did the Israelites did gain the land of Canaan?

God promised it to Abraham (Genesis ch.15 and elsewhere), and instructed Joshua to conquer it (Joshua ch.1), which he did.

How did the Israelite's first gain the land of Canaan?

God promised it to Abraham (Genesis ch.15 and elsewhere), and instructed Joshua to conquer it (Joshua ch.1), which he did.

What is the book of Joshua all about?

AnswerThe Book of Joshua is about the legendary conquest of the Promised Land and the distribution of the conquered land among the twelve tribes of Israel.

What did Joshua do in keeping with the Israelites' belief that Canaan was their promised land?

In keeping with God's command to do so (Joshua ch.1), he conquered the Canaanites in battle (Joshua ch.9-10), enabling the Israelites to settle in what now became called Israel. See also:God's promiseWhat difficulties did Joshua face?Contents of the Book of JoshuaWhy did they kill the Canaanites?

Who or what started Israel?

When Joshua brought the Jews into the Holy land (3284 years ago), its name changed from Canaan to Israel.

What does canaan have to do with Judaism?

Canaan (Israel) is the land that God promised to Abraham (Genesis ch.17), to Isaac (Genesis ch.26), to Jacob (Genesis ch.28), and to Jacob's descendants the Israelites (Exodus ch.6). The promise was fulfilled when Joshua led the Israelites into Canaan (Joshua ch.3-4) and they inherited it.