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Q: What is the Sound of a plane flying overhead?
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When you watch a plane flying high overhead why is it that the sound seems to come from behind the plane?

Because the speed at which you can see the plane is greater than the speed of sound.

Whenever you watch a high flying aircraft overhead it seems that its sound comes from behind the craft why is that?

The sound takes time to travel from up in the air down to the ground. So, if the plane is directly overhead, the sound takes a little time to reach you, so that by the time you hear it, the plane has moved a bit. The sound is loudest when the plane is directly overhead, which is how we tend to judge where the sound is "coming from," so it appears to be coming from behind the plane. This is called the Doppler Affect.

If you a jet flying overhead where should you look to locate the plane?

Since the speed of sound is heard before the usually seeing things... you would behind the sound, suspecting this is what you were asking?

Can you see a plane going Mach 2.4?

Yes - but it will be travelling fast ! You will hear the sound of the engines a few seconds after the plane passes overhead.

Two planes are flying at the speed of sound Plane X is flying at an altitude of 6000 feet and plane Y is flying at an altitude of 15000 feet which is flying faster?

As altitude increases (to about 35,000 ft) air density, pressure and temperature all drop. As density decreases speed of sound increases, but with drop in pressure it drops; these two practically cancel each other out. As temperature drops, speed of sound drops. Thus at 15,000 ft the speed of sound is slower than at 6,000 ft so plane X is flying faster than plane Y.

Who was famous for flying a plane?

Chuck Yeager broke the sound barrier for the first time.

Why did Brian crawl out of his shelter?

Brian crawled out of his shelter because he heard a plane flying overhead and wanted to signal for help by making a fire.

Can you bring a scooter on a plane?

You should be able to bring a foldable kick scooter with you on a plane provided it can fit in your carry-on luggage or in the overhead bin. Ultimately, it will depend on the rules and regulations of the airline you are flying with.

How fast is a plane going if it is flying at Mach 3?

It is flying 3 times the speed of sound. Agreed. 2,300 mph at sea level

Why windows might begin to rattle when an airplane flies overhead?

You might feel your windows moving due to the sound waves that the plane gives off. Depending on how low the plane is they might be rattling due to the wind given off of the plane.

When was flying in a plane open to public?

Flying in a plane has always been open to the public.

Is is overhead an adverb?

Overhead can be an adverb. But it can also be an adjective or noun. Planes flying "overhead" would be an adverb. Overhead wires would be an adjective. The overhead of a business would be a noun.