

Best Answer

Nothing. A function may call itself just like any other function, eg:

int main (int argc, char **argv)


if (argc>0) {

puts (argv[0]);

main (argc-1, argv+1);


return 0;


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Q: What is the Syntax of recursion in turbo c?
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Syntax of turbo c?

+ += - -= * *= / /= % %= = == != <= >= & && | ^ ~ << <<= >> >>= , [] () are the basic operator in TURBO C

What is the basic syntax of C?

+ += - -= * *= / /= % %= = == != <= >= & && | ^ ~ << <<= >> >>= , [] () are the basic operator in TURBO C

What are the32 key words in c turbo?

key words are the specfic command of the program like variable name, syntax, name of loops.

What is the difference between left recursion and right recursion in a grammar?

Recursion is what it's called when a function calls itself. When a function calls itself immediately before returning, it's called tail recursion. Tail recursion can be more efficiently written as iteration. In fact a good compiler will recognize tail recursion and compile it as iteration. There is no such thing as left or right recursion in C programming.

What is the differentiate of turbo c from turbo c plus plus?

Turbo C compiles c source. turbo c++ compiles c++ source code.

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How many types of recursion are there in c language?

Recursion in c language is a method where the function calls itself, within or outside the scope. Using Recursion, complicated problems can be divided into smaller parts so that solving them becomes more manageable. The recursion technique is available in Java, JavaScript, and C++.serves the same purpose. The type of Recursion in C • Direct Recursion • Indirect Recursion. Direct Recursion Recursion can call the function n-number of times. In the case of direct Recursion, the function calls itself inside the same position or in the local scope Direct Recursion problems are the Fibonacci series, a program to print 50 natural numbers. Indirect Recursion In the case of Indirect Recursion, a function X calls function Y, and function Y calls any function Z. Under certain conditions, function Z calls function A. In this case, function A is indirectly related to function Z. Indirect Recursion is also known as mutual Recursion, as more than one function runs a program. It is a two-step recursive function call process for making a recursive function call. Below mentioned are also type of Recursion: Tail Recursion No Tail/Head Recursion Linear Recursion Tree Recursion Tail Recursion A function is said to be tail recursion if it calls itself and also calls the last or the previous statement executed in the process. Head Recursion A function is said to be Head Recursion if it calls itself and also calls the first or the beginning statement executed in the process. Linear Recursion A function is said to be a linear recursive function if it makes a single call to itself each time the procedure executes itself and grows linearly depending on the size of the problem. Tree Recursion Tree Recursion is different from linear Recursion. Rather than making only one call to itself, that function makes more than one recursive call to the process within the recursive function. Following are the steps to solve the recursive problem in C: Step 1: Create a function and assign the work a part should do. Step 2: Select the subproblem and assume that the function already works on the problem. Step 3: Get the answer to the subproblem and use it to resolve the main issue. Step 4: The 90% of the problem defined is solved.

What is the syntax of foreach in c?

There is no 'foreach' in C

How turbo c executes c as well as c?

turbo c cannot execute c++ as well..since c++ is the superset of c .the cprograms can be compiled in turbo c++.

What is the syntax in getting the highest number in turbo C using the if statement?

#include <limits.h> if (1) { printf ("INT_MAX is %d\n", INT_MAX); printf ("LONG_MAX is %ld\n", LONG_MAX); }

The PHP syntax is similar to which languages?

Its similar to a number of languages such as C, C++, Java and Perl.

What are the basic operator in turbo c?

+ += - -= * *= / /= % %= = == != <= >= & && | ^ ~ << <<= >> >>= , [] () are the basic operator in TURBO C