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Q: What is the Traits or features that a parent passes to a child are called?
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Unit of heredity that passes on traits from parent to offspring?

this is called a inherited trait. If it comes from one parent, it will not show and this is called a recessive trait.

How are genetic traits pass on from parents to offspring?

Traits are passed through the child spending a long amount of time around the parent and observing their actions. For example if the parent licked their lips alot then it is likely that the child will lick their lips alot too as the child has subconsciously obserned this action throughout the time spent with the parent.

Some human inherited traits are transmitted by Blood cells Bone cells Sperm cells Liver cells?

Some human inherited traits are transmitted or passes from parent to offspring by sperm cells.

How are the sets of genes a parent passes down decided?

they are passed down through your dominant and recessive traits. Dominant contributes to the way you look and recessivecontributes to the way you act.

How do offspring inherit traits in asexual reproduction?

During asexual reproduction, a single parent passes copies of all of its genes to each of its offspring. The individual reproduced is the parent cell's clone, an organism that is GENETICALLY IDENTICAL to its parent. Hope that helps!

What might have cause Gregor Mendel NOT to conclude that biological inheritance is determined by factors that are passes from one generation to the next?

if the f14 pea plants had traits of neither parent Mendel might not have concluded that factors for traits are passed from one generation to the next

What passes traits to a new cell?

the chromosomes

What is the thread like substance that passes on traits?


What passes traits from one generation to the next?


What do kids do if parent passes out?

call 911

What does it mean to be passed on from parents to kids?

It could be genetic traits like blond hair or fair skin, diseases that are inherited, money or things you receive after a parent passes away, or mannerisms you learn from your parents.

Something that passes to the children when the parent dies is?
