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Q: What is the Treatment for motile bacteria?
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Motile - The Moving or having the power to move spontaneously: motile spores. Archaea bacteria is motile.

What structure if present bacteria be motile?

Most motile bacteria move by means of flagella, if present. Motile means that they are capable of motion. Flagella is the plural of flagellum.

What structure if present let bacteria be motile?

Most motile bacteria move by means of flagella, if present. Motile means that they are capable of motion. Flagella is the plural of flagellum.

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Is shigella non motile bacteria?

Shigella is a non-motile, non-sporing, non-capsulated bacteria. It causes bacillary dysentery.

Are bacteria growing in the semi solid agar deep motile?

Yes. If the bacteria has spread from the inoculation point, the bacteria is motile. It will look like a upside down Christmas tree.

What are non motile bacteria?

Non-motile bacteria are ones that cannot move on their own accord. Many kinds of bacteria can move using flagella, axial filaments or can glide by producing slime. But non-motile ones can't move themselves.

What lets a bacteria be motile?

The LetE protein

What are examples of motile bacteria?


Is proteus motile?

Proteus morganii is a type of bacteria that is found in the human gut. Yes, morganii is motile however, some strains are non-motile.

Motile bacteria move by means of?


What the example of non motile bacteria?

E. coli is a motile bacteria. It utilizes flagella(whip-like structures) in order to engage in locomotion.