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Some vocabulary words in "Makato and the Cowrie Shell" include: abundance, barren, despair, endeavor, and hospitality.

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Q: What is the Vocabulary words in makato and the cowrie shell?
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What are the vocabulary words in the story makato and the cowrie shell?

Some of the vocabulary words in the story "Makato and the Cowrie Shell" may include cowrie, famine, merchant, abundant, and gratitude.

Why the woman agreed to let the dip the seedsmakato and the cowrie shell?

The woman agreed to let the man dip the seeds, makato, and cowrie shell in her box of jewels because she believed his promise that they would multiply and bring prosperity to her village. She trusted his words and saw it as a way to benefit her community.

Is vocabulary words and study words just the same?

"Vocabulary words" refers to any words a person knows, while "study words" are specific words someone is actively learning. Study words can be part of a person's vocabulary, but not all vocabulary words are study words.

Sophisticated diction uses what kind of vocabulary words?

difficult vocabulary words

What is a sentence with the word vocabulary in it?

your mum's vocabulary (: Love , Shazeel Can i actually get an answer??

How do concept vocabulary words sharpen the reader's mind?

The larger your vocabulary, the more you understand, so learning vocabulary words does sharpen your mind by increasing your smarts!

What is vocabulary games?

vocabulary games is some of words game that used by people especially children for learning vocabulary. the exaple of the game is cross words game.

How do you study for SAT vocabulary?

make flash cards of the vocabulary words

How did makato influence my life?

Makato likely influenced your life through their actions, words, or presence, leading to positive changes, valuable lessons, or inspiration in your life. Reflecting on those interactions with Makato can help you understand the impact they had on shaping your perspectives, choices, or beliefs.

What is vocabulary means?


What are some vocabulary words in Flipped?

Some vocabulary words in "Flipped" include veranda, nonchalant, convertible, and tiptoe.

What is difference between vocabulary and word?

Vocabulary refers to the entire set of words known and used by a person, while a word is a single unit of language that carries meaning. In other words, vocabulary is the collection of words a person knows, and a word is one element within that collection.