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It depends on the size and color of the bumps. If the bumps are a clear to very light yellow in color, likely, the bumps are what are called pinguecula and are caused by Allergies and sensitivity to sunlight. They are not harmful, but may make contact lens use a little uncomfortable at times. If the bumps are brown or black in color, that's usually just pigment... Either way, there is generally no cause for alarm unless the bumps get so large that you feel they're impairing your vision... that however is pretty unlikely. If you have dry or itchy eyes, there are a number of lubricating drops you can purchase over the counter - but... to fully put your mind at ease, I'd say the best solutionwould be is to see a Therapeutic Optometrist so they can give a full & thourough examination of the eyes and check those spots for any irregularities that might night have been addressed in this forum.

Hope that helped some!Cindy

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12y ago
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17y ago

If you are talking about inside corner near the bridge of your nose these are tears ducts. Tear ducts are important and keep your eyes moist. If you get a blocked tear duct then you may experience red eye or dry eye.

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15y ago

This sounds like milia. Milia are small (1-2 mm) whitish yellow bumps that frequently occur over the nose and face. They can be prevented by using a mild exfoliant daily over the affected areas. They are more common in females and newborns and can sometimes be mistaken for xanthelasma.

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13y ago

Xanthalasma are yellow plaques that most commonly occur near the upper and lower inner canthus (the corner of the eye where the eyelids meet). They are soft, semisolid, or firm and are made up of fats in the outermost layer of the skin. Approximately 50% of all people who present with a xanthalasma have high cholesterol. These plaques can be removed using radiofrequency surgery if desired, but approximately 30% of them will recur.

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9y ago

A bump on the eye can be related to a number of different conditions. These include styes or chalazions, which are found on the eyelid.

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12y ago

that's not a bump that's the lens in your eye that sticks out

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14y ago

high cholesterol causes a fatty deposit in the eye

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11y ago

it is by some sort of virus. in the meanwhile, if you open your eyes, and keep the bumped one open, you can keep it open for quite some time, even though its bad for you.

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11y ago

It could be a stye

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3y ago

I have a yellowish bump in my eye... What should I do to treat it... My optometrist said to use eye drops or bath the eye with a cold cloth then heat...

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