

What is the abrreviation of while?

Updated: 12/17/2022
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Q: What is the abrreviation of while?
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Compare Do-While with While Statements?

A Do-While loop looks like this: do { loop body } while (condition); and a While loop looks like this: while (condition) { loop body } The main difference is that the loop body is always run once in the Do-While loop, then the condition is checked to see if the loop should keep running. In a While loop, the condition is checked first, and it will not run the loop body at all if the condition is false.

Differences between if else and while loop?

Easy: if-else is not a loop; while, for and do-while are loops.if-else just run once, but do-while run many times.

What statement marks the end of a do while loop?

It's the semicolon after the while ()part:i= 0;do printf ("%d %s\n", i, argv[i]); while (++i

How you can use while loop in place of select case?

While is NOT a replacement for SWITCH -- CASE However , still if this is the requirement then , you can do this : While (1) { if (case1 ) {} if (case2 ) {} : : : if (case n ) {} if (case default ) {} } //end of while loop

What are the types of loops?

There are three forms of loop commonly used in C/C++, the for loop, the while loop and the do-while loop. The for loop is most commonly used whenever an action is going to be performed a set amount of times. For example, to sum every element in an array: for(i = 0; i < arraySize; i++) { sum = sum + array[i]; } The while loop and do-while loop are commonly used to loop until a condition is met. The difference between the two is that the do-while loop goes through one iteration before checking its condition, while the while loop checks its condition before any execution of the loop. Example do-while loop: do { randomNumber = rand() % 10; }while(randomNumber != 6); Example while loop: cout > number; while(number < 0) { cout > number; }

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